When is VideoLAN (VideoLabs) going to develop VLC media player for OpenHarmony and HarmonyOS?

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When is VideoLAN (VideoLabs) going to develop VLC media player for OpenHarmony and HarmonyOS?

Postby bigben2023 » 24 Aug 2023 14:14

When is VideoLAN going to develop VLC media player for OpenHarmony and HarmonyOS as a native HAP .app file via DevEco Studio IDE port? HarmonyOS already have 2% global market share, it's going to be global next year, developers in China already signing up. APIs and SDKs are getting stronger and better with API 10 on HarmonyOS 4.0 and NEXT. There is a future where Android apps will not be directly compatible with Huawei smartphones, tablets and already not compatible with TVs, anywhere you consume content on VLC media player. Yeah, there is an Android app by VideoLAN (Videolabs) themselves, but how long will that last. There are some things that already broken like subtitles for those using HarmonyOS on phones, tablets already across the globe outside of China. I would like to see VideoLAN (VideoLabs) take advantage of HarmonyOS natively as a universal app in the future like they did with Microsoft Windows UWP in the past, write once, run everywhere strategy with Service Cards support for playback and other cool things with the native HarmonyOS widgets like former Windows Phone/Windows 10 tiles.

Huawei is preparing a future without Android, with HarmonyOS NEXT, is VideoLAN (VideoLabs) that have put their Android app on AppGallery prepared?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: When is VideoLAN (VideoLabs) going to develop VLC media player for OpenHarmony and HarmonyOS?

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 24 Aug 2023 20:02

VideoLAN is a foundation with way too small financial resources to have any developer to do anything; it's only a place for coordination, not actual work.

VideoLabs is an IT service company. I cannot speak for them, but I guess that they will do the OHOS port if/when somebody pays them to.

Anyone else can do it if they want, TBH.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
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Re: When is VideoLAN (VideoLabs) going to develop VLC media player for OpenHarmony and HarmonyOS?

Postby bigben2023 » 24 Aug 2023 20:57

VideoLAN is a foundation with way too small final resources to have any developer to do anything; it's only a place for coordination, not actual work.

VideoLabs is an IT service company. I cannot speak for them, but I guess that they will do the OHOS port if/when somebody pays them to.
Thanks for the quick response! :)

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Re: When is VideoLAN (VideoLabs) going to develop VLC media player for OpenHarmony and HarmonyOS?

Postby mfkl » 28 Aug 2023 06:40

Feel free to contact https://videolabs.io/ if you want to sponsor the development.

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