Here's an example of output using a working video where it's a link to an MKV file. I print state changes in the media player.
Code: Select all
2023-08-23 10:27:51.595027+0200 Debris[8261:51453047] creating player instance using shared library
When initializing the player with the verbose option (VLCMediaPlayer(options: ["--verbose=2"])) I instead get the following:
Code: Select all
2023-08-23 10:29:22.333846+0200 Debris[8800:51456981] creating player instance with private library as options were given
[h264 @ 0x15e81f400] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
This indicates to me that the verbose option is working as intended. With the problematic video that is also a link to an MKV I get the following output using no verbose option:
Code: Select all
2023-08-23 10:32:00.243931+0200 Debris[9763:51463573] creating player instance using shared library
When I initialize the player with the verbose option I get no additional output, only the different initialization output.
Code: Select all
2023-08-23 10:30:48.187677+0200 Debris[9333:51460624] creating player instance with private library as options were given
Again, the video works fine in the VLC app and other URLs to MKV files work fine when I use TVVLCKit. I just don't understand why this one won't work or what I can do to find out why it will not.