i write a control plugin and a video filter plugin that is supposed to control the video filter params (much like the rc plugin)
My question is how do i transfer data between the two
what i did was
[*]var_Create( p_intf, "rctm-bool",VLC_VAR_BOOL); in the Open function of the control plugin
[*]var_GetBool( p_intf, "rctm-bool"); / var_SetBool( p_intf, "rctm-bool", newval ); in the body of the control plugin according to the received command
[*]do i need to call explicitly var_TriggerCallback( p_intf, "rctm-bool" ); after i update the value??
then in the video filter plugin i do
[*] var_AddCallback( p_filter, "rctm-bool", SetParamsCallback, p_sys );
needless to say it doesnt work, i am missing something but dont know what..
i am getting an error of "Failed to add a callback to the non-existeng variable"
thanks for the help, referring me to a specific var in a code that is used in a similar way will be enough to help me find the way
or if there is some tutorial about using vars and callbacks - thats will be great, because i couldnt figure out what is the Inherit with vars