VLCKit Podspec filename typo

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Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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VLCKit Podspec filename typo

Postby ssbmaccom » 28 Oct 2021 13:37

Hi Felix,

I just prepared a python script that is downloading the tar.xz the podspec files are pointing to. I do not use the podspec itself in my project but in the past copied the URL in the podspec to download the VLCKit builds, whenever there is a new version.
So I did it yesterday based on the branch "3.0" which features the latest beta as "unstable". I assume, that after finishing the beta, this will be merged to master branch.

I was just a bit confused, that the downloaded file is named "VLCKit-3.3.18b1-d83fc519-1f870b73.tar.xz", I first thought it might be an issue in my script ;-)
In the repo I found the commit 32babf755496b41a3f55697f31331608a0e95d5f where you updated the podspec files and saw, that you updated the version number to "3.3.18b2", but not the filename. So I thought, just worth to mention, even it is not a real issue :)

I will anyway now integrate the beta in my project and check for issues ;)

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Joined: 20 Jun 2017 15:29
Operating System: macOS, iOS

Re: VLCKit Podspec filename typo

Postby bubu? » 29 Oct 2021 16:09

Hello, thank you for the report!

We will look into the issue.
Soomin Lee - bubu

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