Hello All,
I am a newbie to using libvlc. I have to write a function using libvlc to add a bookmark, using vlc-3.0.0 kit for development. How can I do that ? I am referring to a function libvlc_video_take_snapshot, to find a similar function like libvlc_video_bookmark. But nothing related to bookmark I can find in libvlc_media_player.h file. As per my understanding, libvlc_media_player.h file has all the APIs that are exposed in .lib file. So, where can I find a .c file related to libvlc_media_player.h and also for bookmark.
I have found in searches that I have Bookmarks.h file which shows an interface. bookmarks.hpp and bookmarks.cpp files have dialog related to bookmarks and event.c file has a call back function for bookmark.
So, how can add bookmark function in my application ? From where should I start with these files?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance !