Embed VLC Live Stream in PyQt5 app

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Embed VLC Live Stream in PyQt5 app

Postby Mosse97 » 17 Jun 2018 09:20

I am working on a private project using a Raspberry Pi that is supposed to be controlled via an app on another computer. I am able to start a live stream of the PiCamera, but I want to display the feed in a widget in the PyQt5-app (on another machine). So far I have not come across any examples of this using PyQt5. Do you have any advice?
I found this example using PyQt4, but since things are changed in PyQt5 I was not able to use it. The reason I use PyQt5 is that it was not possible to download the 4-version.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Embed VLC Live Stream in PyQt5 app

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 17 Jun 2018 22:25

just use the qt examples, and adapt it.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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