LibVLC + rawvideo, imem and subjective tests gui

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LibVLC + rawvideo, imem and subjective tests gui

Postby isando » 04 Apr 2017 01:10

Hello! (Sorry for my English)

I`ve made a rawvideo player based on imem callbacks. My player is really nice for my purpose but... I need to make a subjective testing GUI for my University project. The problem is that i tried to use Qt, VLC+Qt examples and they don`t work for my player. They simply provide an segfault error.

Because of the fact that im using the imem based player - I need to use libvlc_media_player_t class which i don`t know how to cast to VLCQTcore/mediaplayer, is it even possible? (using method core() on VLCPlayer gives me libvlc_media_player_t, How can I make it other way?)

What i basically need to get is a sort of sequence (Gui with play button -> rawvideo played by my player -> rating Gui ->...) i would prefer that all of it will be in one window/widget but for now it can be in other windows. Is it possible in some way? By using QT? or do i need to find another solution?

I have seen thats its very easy in this lecture of Jean-Baptiste Kempf but i have no idea how to make it work.

I tried to add my media player to the simplePlayer (example project) window by using libvlc_media_player_set_hwnd( my player, ui->video) but my player is still running in its own window.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: LibVLC + rawvideo, imem and subjective tests gui

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 14 Apr 2017 14:11

Did you look at vlc-qt?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: LibVLC + rawvideo, imem and subjective tests gui

Postby isando » 19 Apr 2017 01:44

Yeah i did... I`ve managed to find whats wrong, it was graphic card driver which accidentally disapeard from my OS. Now it works fine. I could easily connect Imem based media-player with QT using libvlc_media_player_set_xwindow (media_player, windid). Thanks for your attention :)

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