I'm continuing patching my own vlc compilation (
https://sourceforge.net/p/vlc2/code/HEAD/tree/ ) targetted for windows & android, using Visual studio as compilation environment.
I have now successfully compiled / linked base libraries and continuing now into depth of plugin. I haven't yet reached run-time, so I suspect there might be more problems, specially I did not get any answer on my previous question - misc\cpu.c / cover_cpuid & cover_vlc_CPU_init1.
I now reached codecs part, and was wondering from where you have taken libavcodec - there is some odd version mentioned in "vlc-\win32\include\libavcodec\version.h" - 56.11.0, while ffmpeg releases with avcodec looks
slightly different - comments in header mention "This file is part of ffmpeg", while current public header mentions "This file is part of Libav.". I've now took two sequential releases from here:
https://libav.org/download/ - 11 and 12, and both of them does not have same revision number.
I prefer to integrate completely identical version to what is working, not to fight with newer libs , as they might bring more problems - but I need to choose currently some version.
syncProj code coverage 73.31%. (Covering with testing)
https://sourceforge.net/p/vlc2/code/HEA ... modules.cs
This script is now somehow assembling multiple plugins ( ~ 30 dll's) , I plan to expand it to other plugins as well.