Adding cedarx codec to android vlc

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Adding cedarx codec to android vlc

Postby hmehmetk » 28 Apr 2016 16:49

Hello all,

First of all, I am sorry because of I don't know where I can ask.

I need to add cedarx(allwinner video codec) codec to vlc for android. I added related parameters to

Code: Select all

libcedar_plugin_la_SOURCES = codec/cedar.c libcedar_plugin_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_cedar) libcedar_plugin_la_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS) -rpath '$(codecdir)' libcedar_plugin_la_LIBADD = $(LIBS_cedar) EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES += codec_LTLIBRARIES += $(LTLIBcedar)
I have related libs in vlc/contrib/arm-linux-androideabi/lib directory.
  • libcedarx.a
When I run "sh -a armeabi-v7a" script I got below errors.

Code: Select all

../../modules/codec/cedar.c:389: error: undefined reference to 'libcedarx_decoder_close' ../../modules/codec/cedar.c:223: error: undefined reference to 'libcedarx_decoder_open' ../../modules/codec/cedar.c:430: error: undefined reference to 'libcedarx_decoder_add_stream' ../../modules/codec/cedar.c:430: error: undefined reference to 'libcedarx_decoder_decode_stream' ../../modules/codec/cedar.c:430: error: undefined reference to 'libcedarx_decoder_request_frame'
I tried to add lcedarx to libcedar_plugin_la_LIBADD but nothing has changed.

Best regards

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Adding cedarx codec to android vlc

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 28 Jun 2016 10:05

missing some -lcedarx

Btw, where is this code?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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