Is there any support for RTMP with parameters?

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Is there any support for RTMP with parameters?

Postby elrules » 27 Apr 2016 09:52


I would like to use VLCKit (iOS) to play RTMP streams that need parameters like the swfUrl or swfPlayer or playPath.
Does lidVLC support this kind of stream? In that case, how can I open a RTMP stream passing these parameters?

Thanks in advance

Blank Cone
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Re: Is there any support for RTMP with parameters?

Postby shaybc » 27 Apr 2016 23:10

i use libVLC to play RTMP streams, but never with swfUrl parameters,

if you want to play URLs with swfUrl, then try reading this, its pretty old but it has some code that can be used as a starting point:

also, the vlc app allows avid-option parameter to pass swfurl parameters and more, you can start looking for that mechanism in the code, perhaps it will guide you to the answer you are looking for,

not much help, i know but that where i would start looking.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Is there any support for RTMP with parameters?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 28 Jun 2016 10:03

What RTMP flags do you want?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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