Following my play with libvlc_video_set_format_callbacks I was pretty happy with getting video size on first image with libvlc_video_get_size and using this as output
Well that works perfectly unless the source video received (from an RTSP camera) is not 16 pixels aligned... So here's my case:
I've got a 1080x1920 video incoming
format callback gives me a buffer 1088x1922
video_get_size returns 1080x1920
If I try to use the buffer as a 1080x1920 image then I've got a scrambled image, If I use the full buffer as image everything is fine except that my source video is 1080x1920 and I now have a 1088x1922 image to process... Taking a sub image crops image contents which appear to be resized to fit the buffer image size
- What is going on internally for vlc to resize incoming image to this non standard resolution rather than zero padding to be 16 pixels aligned??
- How do you go back to 1080x1920 resolution having full image contents? Just as VLC client is doing.
- Are we forced to perform another CPU intensive resize?
Best regards
Sebastien Wybo