Create Video form images

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Jose Adrien
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Create Video form images

Postby Jose Adrien » 09 Jul 2015 21:35

i need create a video from one collection of images.
The list contains arround 200 images ,and each image is 200 kb size.

With others libraries, I managed that but, the video is too large.

Now , with vlc app, i can convert these video easily in other video much more little with profile compress H.264.
I need accomplish this through code ( C# code) with vlc library.

Can any help with that.?
Best Regards.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Create Video form images

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Jul 2015 11:51

VLC is not the best tool for this.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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