Hi / Salut !
I'm currently working on a C#, using libVLC wrapped.
On windows 8, 64 bit No problem : I wrap, I get the job done with no particular job.
On macos X 10,10,3, I get nothing working : It return null to the libvlc_new, not even a log. It's exactly the same code from windows and it's not a wrapping issue, because I get no DLLNotFound nor entry point errors..
So i tried to rebuild myself vlc, to check some deprecations. I tried to build with darwin 11 but it never finished, so we are far from the darwin of OS X 10,10,3. I successfully build with darwin 10, used his dylib another time without success.
I would that there was much deprecated warning with OS X dependencies...
I tried to make a Xcode project which wrapped libvlc entries, it built but never worked more efficiently.
So I believe there is a dark secret on MACOS X to use libvlc on OS X : Can you explain it to me ?
Best regards