I am trying to generate auto installer for vlc.
used the below link for reference:
managed to generate the vlc package with "make package-win-common".
But when i tried to generate auto installer with "make package-win32-exe" , i am getting below error:
*** No rule to make target '/usr/include/wine/windows/stdole2.idl', needed by 'stdole2.tlb'. Stop. (in directory /c/vlc-2.2.0/win32/npapi-vlc/activex).
OS : Windows platform
Source code : 2.2.0
using Msys2 for compilation.
To my understanding this error is due to missing installation of wine package in windows.
How do i resolve this.
do i have to install wine package using MSYS?
if so,whats the exact package name should i search for in MSYS?
is there a way to bypass this step??
Please help me . I spent so much time to reach to this point,i don't want to give up.
If something not clear let me know.
Little guidance will be appreciated......
thank you..