Playback from buffer

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Playback from buffer

Postby AleRm » 17 Jan 2015 17:24

Hi all,

I am trying to do an encripted video player. It Simply convert file and play. For doing that I need to precess binary file first with audio and video togheter and after pass the buffer to vlc in some ways. I was trying to use shm_open, and pass the file descriptor to libvlc fd call but it difnt not work.

Have you any suggestion on how play video from a buffer?
I mean I wanted emulate the libvlc media from
Path or from file descriptor.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Location: Cone, France

Re: Playback from buffer

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 18 Jan 2015 08:06

VLC can play a file path.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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