Can't extract Audio-Track from any Video File

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New Cone
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Can't extract Audio-Track from any Video File

Postby mjungwirth » 22 Dec 2014 12:20


I have written a Program that extract an selected audio-track from any video-file with VLC.
But vlc can't select the audio-track. I have always all audio-tracks in mein destination file:

My Test-Video-File has 3 audio-tracks inside and 1 video and 1 spu track.


MRL: file://myvideofile.mkv (or any other)


Tested Options:
:audio-track-id=2 (the number are from the mediainfo programm)
:audio-language=en (English, ....)

The extracted file "c:\temp\audio" contains only the audio-tracks with ts-encaps but not the selected audio-track.
I would like only the selected one in the file.

Has someone any information/tricks to select the audio?
I have testet vlc-versions: 2.15, 2.2 RC2, 3.0 from nightly at 22.12.2014

Thanks for any answer.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Can't extract Audio-Track from any Video File

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 24 Dec 2014 09:46

You need to select the audio track in the sout chain string.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Can't extract Audio-Track from any Video File

Postby mjungwirth » 24 Dec 2014 09:49

OK and how? what is the correct parameter/option?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Can't extract Audio-Track from any Video File

Postby mjungwirth » 28 Dec 2014 10:27

I have found the es module. Thats ok for extract all elemantary streams.

BUT: With the 2.2-RC2 the video can't extracted.
If i start the extraction VLC writes 30MB /s into the file without ending (i stopped at 4GB), but the testvideo has only 70MB
On the nightly Build (3.0 22.12.2014) this was OK. But i can't use ist transcoding-fps dont work.

My TestVideo " ..."



Options: TEST 2

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