VLC 4K video playback

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VLC 4K video playback

Postby guitarflow » 09 Apr 2014 14:18

Hey there,

I'm currently about to write my own A/V playback engine and I'm doing a bit of research what the best existing libraries would be to provide video frames and audio samples.

It sounds like FFMPEG would be the best choice for me but with their own ffplay binary it is not possible to playback a 4k MXF (Sony XAVC) clip fluently that I have here.
I just tried the same clip in VLC and it plays back like a charm. Also, the CPU load is no higher than 180%. With ffplay, it was above 300% ...

If I understand that correctly, libvlc uses FFMPEG under the hood (is this correct?) so I'm wondering why the same file works in VLC and does not work in ffplay.
The only reason I could come up with is that VLC does not playback the 4K frames at full resolution (I don't have a 4K monitor).

Can anyone tell me what's happening in libvlc in this case?


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC 4K video playback

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 22 Apr 2014 15:02

Because we use a faster rendering.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: VLC 4K video playback

Postby whitemax » 20 Dec 2014 03:16

Yes , VLC is the most compatible media player ever. I have tried to play MXF,MTS and other foramts . It palybacks flawless and also the CPU is very small. And I want to say that I also use VLC to convert some of my videos ! haha. :)

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