I have seen aout_VolumeReport(), which sets the "volume" variable on the aout - is this what you are referring to here? First I was thinking to add a variable callback to listen for changes to this variable, but of course the aout does not exist yet so I need to do something else.Internally, there is an event to report the volume status, but there is indeed no code to pass it to the application.
Are you referring to input-events? I was thinking to translate INPUT_EVENT_AOUT to a new Libvlc_MediaPlayerAout event, in the same way as is currently done for INPUT_EVENT_VOUT. Existing code from lib/media_player.c:There should already be an "aout" event though.
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else if( newval.i_int == INPUT_EVENT_VOUT )
[Some code was removed from here to keep it short]
event.type = libvlc_MediaPlayerVout;
event.u.media_player_vout.new_count = i_vout;
libvlc_event_send( p_mi->p_event_manager, &event );
No.Sherington, have you found a workaround for this ?
From what I have seen, there is simply no way through libvlc to successfully set/get the volume for a media player before an aout has been created (which is some indterminant time after you play the media). It will always return an error (this is clear from the libvlc media player code actually).Depends on the aout.
This is still true on 2.1.1.From what I have seen, there is simply no way through libvlc to successfully set/get the volume for a media player before an aout has been created (which is some indterminant time after you play the media). It will always return an error (this is clear from the libvlc media player code actually).
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