Hello to all,
I am a big fan of VLC but I needed a way to browse files and fiddle with settings using only my wireless mouse while standing far from the screen (read: from my couch ).
I fiddled with libVLC and came up with JuceVLC : http://jucevlc.sourceforge.net/
I really wanted to add a new GUI library module but a standalone exe is easier to start with...
Apart from libVLC libraries and plugins, the exe is standalone / portable (no registry usage)
The project name comes from the UI library I used (http://rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce.php)
I only built a Windows exe but given the tools I used I should be possible to compile under Linux/MacOS (Juce handles this pretty well)
I know I should have used a Qt based UI but I had to try Juce.