Playing event not in sync when recording to mp4 h264

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 25
Joined: 06 Apr 2011 14:34
VLC version: 2.1.0-git
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Playing event not in sync when recording to mp4 h264

Postby Maloupi » 22 Aug 2011 14:59

Hi !

I'm transcoding a stream to a file with libvlc.
I'm monitoring the playing event to know when the file start to really recording the stream.
When i'm transcoding to h264 (h264/mp4a/mp4), there is a variable delay between the event fire and the real recording of the file. It may be up to 20-30 sec delay.
If i'm transcoding to div3 (div3/mp3/asf), there is no problem.

Is it normal and due to mp4
or is it a bug
or is there another way to know when the file is really recording ?

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