How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card???

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How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card???

Postby userRVN » 05 Aug 2011 15:27

Hello VLC developers.

I'm writing a output plugin for BlackMagic Decklink SDI card. I have video playout over SDI working, but I have problem about getting audio playout working well. The code I've added resides file modules/video_output/decklinkout.cpp where the Decklink API is initialized and used for video playback.

The audio output plugin in modules/audio_output/decklink.cpp but this code won't be able to access the object created in modules/video_output/decklink.cpp.

I can only have one instance of a Decklink board object, so how would I share an object created in a video_output module with code in an audio_output?

Or how can i write a plugin that can handle both audio and video data for output?

Thank you.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 05 Aug 2011 15:39

Passing data between plugins is hard. It is especially hard in your case because the life cycles of the audio output and that of the video output are independent. Thus, you cannot assume which one will start first, nor which one will finish first.

So I would recommend building a single plugin with two modules (using add_submodule()). Then you can share data using global variables. But you will have to be very careful with thread-safety...
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby userRVN » 05 Aug 2011 16:12

Hi Rémi Denis-Courmont. Thank for you reply.
I'm searching the VLC source tree and I see there are few plugin that use add_submodule(). I'm learning that.
Thank you

New Cone
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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby userRVN » 08 Aug 2011 10:16

Hello Rémi Denis-Courmont.

I'm writing a plugin that contains both video and audio submodule

Code: Select all

vlc_module_begin() set_shortname( N_("Decklink Output") ) set_description( N_("Decklink Output plug-in") ) set_callbacks (Open, Close) add_shortcut( "decklink-output" ) add_integer( VIDEO_CFG_PREFIX "card-index", 0, CARD_INDEX_TEXT, CARD_INDEX_LONGTEXT, true ) add_string( AUDIO_CFG_PREFIX "audio-connection", 0, AUDIO_CONNECTION_TEXT, AUDIO_CONNECTION_LONGTEXT, true ) change_string_list( ppsz_audioconns, ppsz_audioconns_text, 0 ) add_submodule () set_shortname (N_("Decklink Video Output")) set_description (N_("Decklink Video Output module")) set_category(CAT_VIDEO) set_subcategory(SUBCAT_VIDEO_VOUT) set_capability("vout display", 0) set_callbacks (VideoOpen, VideoClose) add_shortcut( "decklink-vout" ) add_submodule () set_shortname (N_("Decklink Audio Output")) set_description (N_("Decklink Audio Output module")) set_category( CAT_AUDIO ) set_subcategory( SUBCAT_AUDIO_AOUT ) set_capability( "audio output", 0 ) set_callbacks (AudioOpen, AudioClose) add_shortcut( "decklink-aout" ) vlc_module_end ()
So, how can I call both submodule over command line???

Thank you.

New Cone
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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby userRVN » 08 Aug 2011 16:05


I'm searching the wiki and forum and have very little information about using submodule. I don't know the process of activating and deactivating the submodules and their relationship with their parents module, as decklink-output module in my example. I guest the process:

decklink-output (Open) --> decklink-vout (VideoOpen) --> work here--> decklink-vout(VideoClose)-->decklink-output(Close)

And how vlc call the submodule in the commandline?

Can I call both of video and audio submodule?

Please help me and thank you so much.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 05 Aug 2011 14:56

Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby userRVN » 16 Aug 2011 04:20

help test my plugin: Decklink output.

Currently, the hardware accelarate function is not good. Colour of Video is too blue. Disabling hardware accelarate gives better colour result.
Change video size from HD Video output to SD mode (PAL) may cause freezening the video.

Ubuntu 10.10/ 64bit
vlc 1.2.0 git


Code: Select all

/***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ //vlc -vvv file --aout decklinkoutput --vout decklinkoutput #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <vlc_common.h> #include <vlc_plugin.h> #include <vlc_vout_display.h> #include <vlc_picture_pool.h> #include <vlc_fs.h> #include <vlc_block.h> #include <vlc_atomic.h> #include <vlc_aout.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <DeckLinkAPI.h> #include <DeckLinkAPIDispatch.cpp> # if __WORDSIZE == 64 # define INT64_C(c) c ## L # else # define INT64_C(c) c ## LL # endif #define CLOCK_FREQ INT64_C(1000000) #define DECKLINK_VIDEO_CODEC VLC_CODEC_UYVY #define DECKLINK_AUDIO_CODEC VLC_CODEC_S16N #define FRAME_SIZE 1920 #define CHANNELS_MAX 6 static const int pi_channels_maps[CHANNELS_MAX+1] = { 0, AOUT_CHAN_CENTER, AOUT_CHAN_LEFT | AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT, AOUT_CHAN_CENTER | AOUT_CHAN_LEFT | AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT, AOUT_CHAN_LEFT | AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT | AOUT_CHAN_REARLEFT | AOUT_CHAN_REARRIGHT, AOUT_CHAN_LEFT | AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT | AOUT_CHAN_CENTER | AOUT_CHAN_REARLEFT | AOUT_CHAN_REARRIGHT, AOUT_CHAN_LEFT | AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT | AOUT_CHAN_CENTER | AOUT_CHAN_REARLEFT | AOUT_CHAN_REARRIGHT | AOUT_CHAN_LFE }; #define CARD_INDEX_TEXT N_("Output card to use") #define CARD_INDEX_LONGTEXT N_( \ "DeckLink output card to use, if multiple exist. " \ "The cards are numbered from 0." ) #define MODE_TEXT N_("Desired output video mode") #define MODE_LONGTEXT N_( \ "Desired output video mode for DeckLink output. " \ "This value should be a FOURCC code in textual " \ "form, e.g. \"ntsc\"." ) #define AUDIO_CONNECTION_TEXT N_("Audio connection") #define AUDIO_CONNECTION_LONGTEXT N_( \ "Audio connection to use for DeckLink output. " \ "Valid choices: embedded, aesebu, analog. " \ "Leave blank for card default." ) #define RATE_TEXT N_("Audio sampling rate in Hz") #define RATE_LONGTEXT N_( \ "Audio sampling rate (in hertz) for DeckLink output. " \ "0 disables audio output." ) #define CHANNELS_TEXT N_("Number of audio channels") #define CHANNELS_LONGTEXT N_( \ "Number of output audio channels for DeckLink output. " \ "Must be 2, 8 or 16. 0 disables audio output." ) #define VIDEO_CONNECTION_TEXT N_("Video connection") #define VIDEO_CONNECTION_LONGTEXT N_( \ "Video connection to use for DeckLink output. " \ "Valid choices: sdi, hdmi, opticalsdi, component, " \ "composite, svideo. " \ "Leave blank for card default." ) #define CFG_PREFIX "decklink-output-" #define VIDEO_CFG_PREFIX "decklink-vout-" #define AUDIO_CFG_PREFIX "decklink-aout-" /* Main functions */ static const char *const ppsz_videoconns[] = { "sdi", "hdmi", "opticalsdi", "component", "composite", "svideo" }; static const char *const ppsz_videoconns_text[] = { N_("SDI"), N_("HDMI"), N_("Optical SDI"), N_("Component"), N_("Composite"), N_("S-video") }; static const char *const ppsz_audioconns[] = { "embedded", "aesebu", "analog" }; static const char *const ppsz_audioconns_text[] = { N_("Embedded"), N_("AES/EBU"), N_("Analog") }; struct aout_sys_t { uint64_t aoutTotalAudioPackages; }; struct vout_display_sys_t { picture_pool_t *pool; uint64_t vdTotalFrames; vlc_mutex_t pts_lock; }; typedef struct { IDeckLink *p_card; IDeckLinkOutput *p_output; IDeckLinkConfiguration *p_config; IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator *p_display_iterator; IDeckLinkIterator *decklink_iterator; int i_card_index; char *psz_video_connection; BMDDisplayMode display_mode; BMDVideoOutputFlags videoOutputFlags; char *psz_audio_connection; int i_channels; int i_rate; uint32_t i_dominance_flags; int i_width; int i_height; BMDTimeScale i_timescale; BMDTimeValue i_frameduration; vlc_mutex_t m_lock; vlc_atomic_t m_ref; } decklink_sys_t; static decklink_sys_t decklink_sys = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, -1,NULL,0,0,NULL,-1,-1, 0,-1,-1,0,0, NULL,NULL }; /***************************************************************************** * Local prototypes. *****************************************************************************/ void FillSine (void* audioBuffer, uint32_t samplesToWrite, uint32_t channels, uint32_t sampleDepth); static int OpenDecklink ( vlc_object_t *); static void CloseDecklink ( vlc_object_t *); static int OpenVideo ( vlc_object_t * ); static void CloseVideo ( vlc_object_t * ); static picture_pool_t *PoolVideo (vout_display_t *, unsigned); static void DisplayVideo(vout_display_t *, picture_t *, subpicture_t *subpicture); static int ControlVideo(vout_display_t *, int, va_list); static int OpenAudio ( vlc_object_t * ); static void CloseAudio ( vlc_object_t * ); static void PlayAudio ( audio_output_t *, block_t * ); /***************************************************************************** * Module descriptor *****************************************************************************/ // // vlc_module_begin() set_shortname( N_("DecklinkOutput") ) set_description( N_("Decklink Output plug-in") ) // add_shortcut( "decklink-output" ) set_section( N_("Decklink General Options"), NULL ) add_integer( CFG_PREFIX "card-index", 0, CARD_INDEX_TEXT, CARD_INDEX_LONGTEXT, true ) add_submodule () // set_shortname (N_("DecklinkVOut")) set_description (N_("Decklink Video Output module")) set_category(CAT_VIDEO) set_subcategory(SUBCAT_VIDEO_VOUT) set_capability("vout display", 0) set_callbacks (OpenVideo, CloseVideo) set_section( N_("Decklink Video Options"), NULL ) // add_shortcut( "decklink-vout" ) add_string( VIDEO_CFG_PREFIX "video-connection", 0, VIDEO_CONNECTION_TEXT, VIDEO_CONNECTION_LONGTEXT, true ) change_string_list( ppsz_videoconns, ppsz_videoconns_text, 0 ) add_string( VIDEO_CFG_PREFIX "mode", "pal ", MODE_TEXT, MODE_LONGTEXT, true ) add_submodule () // set_shortname (N_("DecklinkAOut")) set_description (N_("Decklink Audio Output module")) set_category( CAT_AUDIO ) set_subcategory( SUBCAT_AUDIO_AOUT ) set_capability( "audio output", 0 ) set_callbacks (OpenAudio, CloseAudio) // add_shortcut( "decklink-aout" ) set_section( N_("Decklink Audio Options"), NULL ) add_string( AUDIO_CFG_PREFIX "audio-connection", 0, AUDIO_CONNECTION_TEXT, AUDIO_CONNECTION_LONGTEXT, true ) change_string_list( ppsz_audioconns, ppsz_audioconns_text, 0 ) add_integer( AUDIO_CFG_PREFIX "audio-rate", 48000, RATE_TEXT, RATE_LONGTEXT, true ) add_integer( AUDIO_CFG_PREFIX "audio-channels", 2, CHANNELS_TEXT, CHANNELS_LONGTEXT, true ) vlc_module_end () /***************************************************************************** * Open: initialize interface , public IDeckLinkAudioOutputCallback *****************************************************************************/ static int OpenDecklink( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { if(!(vlc_atomic_get( &decklink_sys.m_ref ))){ //if(!(decklink_sys.m_ref)){ vlc_mutex_init(&decklink_sys.m_lock); vlc_mutex_lock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); vlc_atomic_set( &(decklink_sys.m_ref), 0 ); int i_rate; int i_card_index; int i_channels; BMDVideoOutputFlags videoOutputFlags = 0; bool b_found_mode; i_card_index = var_InheritInteger( p_this, CFG_PREFIX "card-index" ); //IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator *p_display_iterator = NULL; decklink_sys.decklink_iterator = CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance(); if( !decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) { msg_Err( p_this, "DeckLink drivers not found." ); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } HRESULT result; if( i_card_index < 0 ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Invalid card index %d", i_card_index ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } for( int i = 0; i <= i_card_index; ++i ) { if( decklink_sys.p_card ){ //decklink_sys.p_card->Release(); msg_Dbg( p_this, "Error here %d Cannot Release Pcard dc", i); } result = decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Next( &decklink_sys.p_card ); if( result != S_OK ) break; } if( result != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "DeckLink PCI card %d not found", i_card_index ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } const char *psz_model_name; result = decklink_sys.p_card->GetModelName( &psz_model_name ); if( result != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Could not get model name" ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } msg_Dbg( p_this, "Opened DeckLink PCI card %d (%s)", i_card_index, psz_model_name ); if( decklink_sys.p_card->QueryInterface( IID_IDeckLinkOutput, (void**)&decklink_sys.p_output) != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Card has no outputs" ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } if( decklink_sys.p_card->QueryInterface( IID_IDeckLinkConfiguration, (void**)&decklink_sys.p_config) != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Failed to get configuration interface" ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } decklink_sys.i_card_index = i_card_index ; //Setting up Video Connection char* psz_video_connection; psz_video_connection = var_InheritString( p_this, VIDEO_CFG_PREFIX "video-connection" ); if( psz_video_connection ) { BMDVideoConnection conn; if ( !strcmp( psz_video_connection, "sdi" ) ) conn = bmdVideoConnectionSDI; else if ( !strcmp( psz_video_connection, "hdmi" ) ) conn = bmdVideoConnectionHDMI; else if ( !strcmp( psz_video_connection, "opticalsdi" ) ) conn = bmdVideoConnectionOpticalSDI; else if ( !strcmp( psz_video_connection, "component" ) ) conn = bmdVideoConnectionComponent; else if ( !strcmp( psz_video_connection, "composite" ) ) conn = bmdVideoConnectionComposite; else if ( !strcmp( psz_video_connection, "svideo" ) ) conn = bmdVideoConnectionSVideo; else { msg_Err( p_this, "Invalid video-connection specified; choose one of " \ "sdi, hdmi, opticalsdi, component, composite, or svideo." ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); free( psz_video_connection ); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } msg_Dbg( p_this, "Setting video output connection to 0x%x", conn); result = decklink_sys.p_config->SetInt( bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoOutputConnection, conn ); if( result != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Failed to set video output connection" ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); free( psz_video_connection ); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } decklink_sys.psz_video_connection = psz_video_connection; free( psz_video_connection ); } //End of Setting up Video Connection // Setting up Audio Connection char *psz_audio_connection; psz_audio_connection = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_this, AUDIO_CFG_PREFIX "audio-connection" ); if( psz_audio_connection ) { BMDAudioConnection conn; if ( !strcmp( psz_audio_connection, "embedded" ) ) conn = bmdAudioConnectionEmbedded; else if ( !strcmp( psz_audio_connection, "aesebu" ) ) conn = bmdAudioConnectionAESEBU; else if ( !strcmp( psz_audio_connection, "analog" ) ) conn = bmdAudioConnectionAnalog; else { msg_Err( p_this, "Invalid audio-connection specified; choose one of " \ "embedded, aesebu, or analog." ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); free( psz_audio_connection ); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } msg_Dbg( p_this, "Setting audio output format to 0x%x", conn); result = decklink_sys.p_config->SetInt( bmdDeckLinkConfigAudioInputConnection, conn ); if( result != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Failed to set audio output connection" ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); free( psz_audio_connection ); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } decklink_sys.psz_audio_connection = psz_audio_connection; free( psz_audio_connection ); } // End of Setting up Audio Connection //Find Display Mode result = decklink_sys.p_output->GetDisplayModeIterator( &decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ); if( result != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Failed to enumerate display modes" ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } char *psz_display_mode; psz_display_mode = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_this, VIDEO_CFG_PREFIX "mode" ); if( !psz_display_mode || strlen( psz_display_mode ) > 4 ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Missing or invalid mode string" ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } /* * Pad the --decklink-mode string to four characters, so the user can specify e.g. "pal" * without having to add the trailing space. */ char sz_display_mode_padded[5]; strcpy(sz_display_mode_padded, " "); for( int i = 0; i < strlen( psz_display_mode ); ++i ) sz_display_mode_padded[i] = psz_display_mode[i]; BMDDisplayMode wanted_mode_id; memcpy( &wanted_mode_id, &sz_display_mode_padded, sizeof(wanted_mode_id) ); b_found_mode = false; for (;;) { IDeckLinkDisplayMode *p_display_mode; result = decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Next( &p_display_mode ); if( result != S_OK || !p_display_mode ) break; char sz_mode_id_text[5] = {0}; BMDDisplayMode mode_id = ntohl( p_display_mode->GetDisplayMode() ); memcpy( sz_mode_id_text, &mode_id, sizeof(mode_id) ); const char *psz_mode_name; result = p_display_mode->GetName( &psz_mode_name ); if( result != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Failed to get display mode name" ); p_display_mode->Release(); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } BMDTimeValue frame_duration, time_scale; result = p_display_mode->GetFrameRate( &frame_duration, &time_scale ); if( result != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Failed to get frame rate" ); p_display_mode->Release(); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } const char *psz_field_dominance; uint32_t i_dominance_flags = 0; switch( p_display_mode->GetFieldDominance() ) { case bmdProgressiveFrame: psz_field_dominance = ""; break; case bmdProgressiveSegmentedFrame: psz_field_dominance = ", segmented"; break; case bmdLowerFieldFirst: psz_field_dominance = ", interlaced [BFF]"; i_dominance_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; break; case bmdUpperFieldFirst: psz_field_dominance = ", interlaced [TFF]"; i_dominance_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST; break; case bmdUnknownFieldDominance: default: psz_field_dominance = ", unknown field dominance"; break; } msg_Dbg( p_this, "Found mode '%s': %s (%dx%d, %.3f fps%s)", sz_mode_id_text, psz_mode_name, p_display_mode->GetWidth(), p_display_mode->GetHeight(), double(time_scale) / frame_duration, psz_field_dominance ); if( wanted_mode_id == mode_id ) { b_found_mode = true; decklink_sys.i_width = p_display_mode->GetWidth(); decklink_sys.i_height = p_display_mode->GetHeight(); decklink_sys.i_timescale = time_scale; decklink_sys.i_frameduration = frame_duration; decklink_sys.i_dominance_flags = i_dominance_flags; decklink_sys.display_mode = wanted_mode_id; if (p_display_mode->GetDisplayMode() == bmdModeNTSC || p_display_mode->GetDisplayMode() == bmdModeNTSC2398 || p_display_mode->GetDisplayMode() == bmdModePAL) { //timeCodeFormat = bmdTimecodeVITC; videoOutputFlags |= bmdVideoOutputVITC; } else { //timeCodeFormat = bmdTimecodeRP188; videoOutputFlags |= bmdVideoOutputRP188; } decklink_sys.videoOutputFlags = videoOutputFlags; //if (timeCode) // delete timeCode; //timeCode = new Timecode(framesPerSecond); } p_display_mode->Release(); } if( !b_found_mode ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Unknown video mode specified." ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } //End of Find Display Mode // Get Audio rate and Audio Channels i_channels = var_InheritInteger( p_this, AUDIO_CFG_PREFIX "audio-channels" ); i_rate = var_InheritInteger( p_this, AUDIO_CFG_PREFIX "audio-rate" ); msg_Dbg( p_this, "audio rate = %d and audio channels = %d ", i_rate, i_channels ); if( !(i_rate > 0 && i_channels > 0) ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Invalid audio rate or audio channels" ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } decklink_sys.i_channels = i_channels; decklink_sys.i_rate = i_rate; // End of Get Audio rate and Audio Channels //vlc_mutex_lock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); result = decklink_sys.p_output->EnableVideoOutput( htonl( decklink_sys.display_mode ), decklink_sys.videoOutputFlags ); if( result != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Failed to Enable Video Output" ); //p_display_mode->Release(); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } result = decklink_sys.p_output->EnableAudioOutput( decklink_sys.i_rate, bmdAudioSampleType16bitInteger, decklink_sys.i_channels,bmdAudioOutputStreamContinuous ); if( result != S_OK ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Failed to Enable Audio Output" ); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_EGENERIC; } //decklink_sys.p_output->StartScheduledPlayback(0,decklink_sys.i_timescale,1.0); decklink_sys.p_output->StartScheduledPlayback(0,100,1.0); //decklink_sys.p_output->StartScheduledPlayback(0, 100, 1.0); // msg_Dbg(p_this,"Start Playback"); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); msg_Dbg(p_this,"Finish Open Decklink, Decklink ref = %d", (int)vlc_atomic_get( &decklink_sys.m_ref )); return VLC_SUCCESS; }else{ msg_Dbg(p_this,"Finish Open Decklink, Decklink ref = %d", (int)vlc_atomic_get( &decklink_sys.m_ref )); return VLC_SUCCESS; } } /***************************************************************************** * Close: destroy interface *****************************************************************************/ static void CloseDecklink(vlc_object_t *p_this){ int result; uintptr_t _ref = vlc_atomic_get( &decklink_sys.m_ref ); if ( _ref == 0 ){ vlc_mutex_lock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); decklink_sys.p_output->StopScheduledPlayback(0, NULL, 0); result = decklink_sys.p_output->DisableVideoOutput(); result = decklink_sys.p_output->DisableAudioOutput(); if( decklink_sys.decklink_iterator ) decklink_sys.decklink_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_display_iterator ) decklink_sys.p_display_iterator->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_config ) decklink_sys.p_config->Release(); if( decklink_sys.p_output ) { decklink_sys.p_output->Release(); } if( decklink_sys.p_card ) decklink_sys.p_card->Release(); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); vlc_mutex_destroy(&decklink_sys.m_lock); msg_Dbg(p_this,"Finish destroy Decklink, Decklink ref = %d", _ref); } return; } static int OpenVideo( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { int result; result = OpenDecklink( p_this ); if( result != VLC_SUCCESS ){ CloseVideo(p_this); return VLC_EGENERIC; } vout_display_t *vd = (vout_display_t *)p_this; vout_display_sys_t *sys; /* Allocate instance and initialize some members */ vd->sys = sys = (vout_display_sys_t*)malloc(sizeof(*sys)); if (!sys) return VLC_ENOMEM; vlc_mutex_init( &sys->pts_lock ); sys->pool = NULL; sys->vdTotalFrames = 1; vd->fmt.i_chroma = DECKLINK_VIDEO_CODEC; video_format_FixRgb(&(vd->fmt)); vd->info.has_hide_mouse = true; vd->pool = PoolVideo; vd->prepare = NULL; vd->display = DisplayVideo; vd->control = ControlVideo; vd->manage = NULL; vout_display_SendEventFullscreen(vd, false); vlc_mutex_lock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); uintptr_t new_ref = vlc_atomic_inc( &decklink_sys.m_ref ); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); msg_Dbg(vd,"Open Decklink Video, Decklink ref = %d", (int)vlc_atomic_get( &decklink_sys.m_ref )); return VLC_SUCCESS; } /***************************************************************************** * Close: destroy interface *****************************************************************************/ static void CloseVideo( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { vout_display_t *vd = (vout_display_t *)p_this; vout_display_sys_t *sys = vd->sys; sys->vdTotalFrames = 0; if (sys->pool) picture_pool_Delete(sys->pool); vlc_mutex_destroy( &sys->pts_lock ); free(sys); //If ref = 0 vlc_mutex_lock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); uintptr_t new_ref = vlc_atomic_dec( &decklink_sys.m_ref ); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); msg_Dbg(vd,"Close Decklink Video, Decklink ref = %d", (int)vlc_atomic_get( &decklink_sys.m_ref )); CloseDecklink((vlc_object_t *)vd); } static picture_pool_t *PoolVideo(vout_display_t *vd, unsigned requested_count) { vout_display_sys_t *sys = vd->sys; if (!sys->pool) sys->pool = picture_pool_NewFromFormat(&vd->fmt, requested_count); return sys->pool; } static void DisplayVideo(vout_display_t *vd, picture_t *picture, subpicture_t *subpicture) { vout_display_sys_t *sys = vd->sys; /* picture_t* to IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame* */ if(picture){ int i_width = decklink_sys.i_width; int i_height = decklink_sys.i_height; BMDTimeScale i_timescale = decklink_sys.i_timescale; BMDTimeValue i_frameduration = decklink_sys.i_frameduration; //Export picture sang block_t block_t *_vdblock ; size_t result; video_format_t *_fmt; _fmt = (video_format_t *)malloc(sizeof(*_fmt)); video_format_Setup(_fmt,DECKLINK_VIDEO_CODEC,picture->format.i_width,picture->format.i_height,1,1 ); video_format_FixRgb(_fmt); picture_Export(VLC_OBJECT(vd), &_vdblock, _fmt ,picture,DECKLINK_VIDEO_CODEC, i_width, i_height); free(_fmt); //Render to Decklink IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame *pDLVideoFrame; if (decklink_sys.p_output->CreateVideoFrame(i_width, i_height, i_width*2,bmdFormat8BitYUV , bmdFrameFlagDefault, &pDLVideoFrame) != S_OK){ msg_Dbg( vd, "Failed to create video frame"); block_Release( _vdblock ); pDLVideoFrame->Release(); return; } void *_frame_bytes; pDLVideoFrame->GetBytes( (void**)&_frame_bytes ); int i_stride = pDLVideoFrame->GetRowBytes(); int i_bpp = 2; for( int y = 0; y < i_height; ++y ) { uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t *)_frame_bytes + i_stride * y; const uint8_t *src = (const uint8_t *)_vdblock->p_buffer + i_width * i_bpp * y; memcpy( dst, src, i_width * i_bpp ); } //end of block_t to Decklink Frame if (decklink_sys.p_output->ScheduleVideoFrame(pDLVideoFrame, (sys->vdTotalFrames * i_frameduration)+VLC_TS_0, i_frameduration, i_timescale) != S_OK) { block_Release( _vdblock ); pDLVideoFrame->Release(); return ; } sys->vdTotalFrames ++; pDLVideoFrame->Release(); block_Release( _vdblock ); //free(_vdblock); //End of Render to Decklink } /* End of picture_t* to IDeckLinkMutableVideoFrame* */ picture_Release(picture); VLC_UNUSED(subpicture); return; } static int ControlVideo(vout_display_t *vd, int query, va_list args) { VLC_UNUSED(vd); switch (query) { case VOUT_DISPLAY_CHANGE_FULLSCREEN: { const vout_display_cfg_t *cfg = va_arg(args, const vout_display_cfg_t *); if (cfg->is_fullscreen) return VLC_EGENERIC; return VLC_SUCCESS; } default: return VLC_EGENERIC; } } static int OpenAudio( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { //return Open( p_this, Audio ); int result; result = OpenDecklink( p_this ); if( result != VLC_SUCCESS ){ CloseAudio(p_this); return VLC_EGENERIC; } audio_output_t * aout = (audio_output_t *)p_this; struct aout_sys_t *a_sys = NULL; a_sys = ( aout_sys_t *)calloc( 1, sizeof( aout_sys_t ) ); if( !(a_sys)) { return VLC_ENOMEM; } aout->sys = a_sys; //Audio preferences go here a_sys->aoutTotalAudioPackages = 1; aout->pf_play = PlayAudio; aout->pf_pause = NULL; aout->pf_flush = NULL; aout->format.i_format = DECKLINK_AUDIO_CODEC; aout->format.i_channels = decklink_sys.i_channels; aout->format.i_physical_channels = pi_channels_maps[aout->format.i_channels]; aout->format.i_rate = decklink_sys.i_rate; aout->format.i_bitspersample = 16; aout->format.i_blockalign = aout->format.i_channels * aout->format.i_bitspersample /8 ; aout->format.i_frame_length = FRAME_SIZE; aout_VolumeSoftInit( aout ); //End of Audio preferences go here vlc_mutex_lock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); uintptr_t new_ref = vlc_atomic_inc( &decklink_sys.m_ref ); msg_Dbg( aout, "Open Audio Decklink ref = %d", (int)new_ref); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); return VLC_SUCCESS; } /***************************************************************************** * Close: destroy interface *****************************************************************************/ static void CloseAudio( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { audio_output_t * aout = (audio_output_t *)p_this; aout_sys_t *a_sys = aout->sys; HRESULT result; a_sys->aoutTotalAudioPackages = 0; free(a_sys); //If ref = 0 vlc_mutex_lock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); uintptr_t new_ref = vlc_atomic_dec( &decklink_sys.m_ref ); vlc_mutex_unlock(&decklink_sys.m_lock); msg_Dbg(aout,"Close Decklink Video, Decklink ref = %d", (int)vlc_atomic_get( &decklink_sys.m_ref )); CloseDecklink((vlc_object_t *)aout); } static void PlayAudio( audio_output_t * aout, block_t *p_buffer){ aout_sys_t *a_sys = aout->sys; //aout_buffer_t * p_buffer; // p_buffer = aout_FifoPop( &aout->output.fifo ); uint32_t sampleFrameCount = p_buffer->i_buffer / (sizeof(int16_t) * aout->format.i_channels); BMDTimeValue streamLength = p_buffer->i_length; if ((decklink_sys.p_output->ScheduleAudioSamples (p_buffer->p_buffer, sampleFrameCount,a_sys->aoutTotalAudioPackages * streamLength, CLOCK_FREQ, NULL)) != S_OK){ msg_Dbg( aout, "Failed to schedule audio sample"); } a_sys->aoutTotalAudioPackages++; aout_BufferFree( p_buffer ); }

Code: Select all

SOURCES_logger = logger.c SOURCES_vod_rtsp = rtsp.c SOURCES_gnutls = gnutls.c dhparams.h SOURCES_audioscrobbler = audioscrobbler.c SOURCES_inhibit = inhibit.c SOURCES_sqlite = sqlite.c SOURCES_xml = xml/libxml.c SOURCES_decklinkoutput = decklinkoutput.cpp libxdg_screensaver_plugin_la_SOURCES = inhibit/xdg.c libxdg_screensaver_plugin_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) libxdg_screensaver_plugin_la_LIBADD = $(AM_LIBADD) libxdg_screensaver_plugin_la_DEPENDENCIES = libxscreensaver_plugin_la_SOURCES = inhibit/xscreensaver.c libxscreensaver_plugin_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) libxscreensaver_plugin_la_LIBADD = $(AM_LIBADD) libxscreensaver_plugin_la_DEPENDENCIES = if HAVE_XCB libvlc_LTLIBRARIES += \ \ endif SOURCES_osso_screensaver = inhibit/osso.c libvlc_LTLIBRARIES += \ \ \ if HAVE_WINCE libvlc_LTLIBRARIES += endif if ENABLE_SOUT libvlc_LTLIBRARIES += \ \ $(NULL) endif

Code: Select all

dnl dnl test module dnl AC_ARG_ENABLE(decklinkoutput, [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-decklinkoutput], [disable Blackmagic DeckLink SDI Output (default auto)])]) AC_ARG_WITH(decklink_sdk, [AS_HELP_STRING[--with-decklink-sdk=DIR], [location of Blackmagic DeckLink SDI SDK])]) if test "${enable_decklinkoutput}" != "no" then if test "${with_decklink_sdk}" != "no" -a -n "${with_decklink_sdk}" then VLC_ADD_CPPFLAGS([decklink],[-I${with_decklink_sdk}/include]) fi CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS_save} ${CPPFLAGS_decklinkoutput}" AC_LANG_PUSH(C++) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(DeckLinkAPIDispatch.cpp, [ VLC_ADD_PLUGIN([decklinkoutput]) ],[AC_MSG_WARN(Blackmagic DeckLink SDI include files not found, decklinkoutput disabled)]) AC_LANG_POP(C++) CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS_save}" fi dnl End of test

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby bbaker » 20 Aug 2011 03:25

Do you have a Windows version of VLC that will Playback on the Decklink SDi?

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby userRVN » 20 Aug 2011 06:38

Hi bbaker.
Still support only Linux now.

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby bbaker » 20 Aug 2011 13:21

Still trying to get it into Windows. Can you help get it working in Windows?

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby cnelson » 14 Sep 2011 10:18

I'm also very interrested by a VLC player who can playback on the Decklink SD...

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby hatsch » 16 Nov 2011 14:42

hi there!
i've just successfully compiled the latest vlc with your decklink SDI output plugin and it works pretty well.
i want to use it to feed remote live streams to our SDI based community TV station.

the only issues i've found until now was a video freeze after some seconds on x264 baseline stream input (main and high is working)

and sometimes AV synchronisation is bad and getting worse over time. especially when the stream comes from a lousy internet connection (which sometimes will just be the case)

i've tried the --sout-transcode-audio-sync option but it doesn't seem to have a positive effect on AV sync.
this is the command i am running:

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/cvlc rtp:// --decklink-card-index 0 --decklink-mode "pal" --sout-transcode-audio-sync -v
and this is vlc's output

Code: Select all

[0x22f7f68] packetizer_h264 packetizer warning: waiting for SPS/PPS [0x22f7f68] packetizer_h264 packetizer warning: waiting for SPS/PPS [0x22f7f68] packetizer_h264 packetizer warning: waiting for SPS/PPS [0x22f7f68] packetizer_h264 packetizer warning: waiting for SPS/PPS [0x22f7f68] packetizer_h264 packetizer warning: waiting for SPS/PPS [0x2306e98] main audio output warning: buffer too late (101679), up-sampling [0x22f7f68] packetizer_h264 packetizer warning: waiting for SPS/PPS [0x22f7f68] packetizer_h264 packetizer warning: waiting for SPS/PPS [0x22f7f68] packetizer_h264 packetizer warning: waiting for SPS/PPS [0x22f7f68] packetizer_h264 packetizer warning: waiting for SPS/PPS [0x13b14ea8] main vout display error: Failed to set on top [0x2306e98] main audio output warning: resampling stopped after 3939966 usec (drift: -47107) [0x2306e98] main audio output warning: buffer too late (81565), up-sampling [0x2306e98] main audio output warning: resampling stopped after 6160102 usec (drift: -52056) [0x2306e98] main audio output warning: buffer too late (62140), up-sampling [0x2306e98] main audio output warning: resampling stopped after 3900574 usec (drift: -23397) [0x2306e98] main audio output warning: buffer too late (61055), up-sampling [0x2306e98] main audio output warning: resampling stopped after 9580038 usec (drift: -6103)
anyway thank you for that module it is already a great improvement to the way we've done it before. having vlc in fullscreenmode and outputting the screen to an analog video card and then convert that analog signal to SDI.

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 16 Nov 2011 18:54

Increase the input cache then.
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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby hatsch » 16 Nov 2011 19:06

sorry if that may sound dumb but i couldn't find an option for increasing the input cache, neither in vlc --help nor on the vlc command line wiki page.
any hint on this?

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby binary_code » 16 Jan 2012 20:05

Hello VLC developers.

I'm writing a output plugin for BlackMagic Decklink SDI card. I have video playout over SDI working, but I have problem about getting audio playout working well. The code I've added resides file modules/video_output/decklinkout.cpp where the Decklink API is initialized and used for video playback.

The audio output plugin in modules/audio_output/decklink.cpp but this code won't be able to access the object created in modules/video_output/decklink.cpp.

I can only have one instance of a Decklink board object, so how would I share an object created in a video_output module with code in an audio_output?

Or how can i write a plugin that can handle both audio and video data for output?

Thank you.
hey, my is oz
and i work at a tv station, and i would love to have a copy of the plugin you are writing
so please contact me as soon as you see this msg's

p.s. we are looking for a programmer that know how mess with the vlc code

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 19 Jan 2012 12:25

There is a patch for Decklink output in SDI lying around.
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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby binary_code » 02 Feb 2012 01:34

There is a patch for Decklink output in SDI lying around.

well i have been looking for a month after you've written me on the 19th last month
so where is that patch?
i need it baldly, the video going from our playback machine to transmitter looks like VIDEO from the 70th's

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Feb 2012 10:13

ASk ringo on IRC
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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby barrichiello » 08 Mar 2012 23:25

There is a patch for Decklink output in SDI lying around.
Please can you help find this patch?
I managed to turn the output SDI DeckLink card with ZoomPlayer, I would do the same with VLC as it is a fantastic player for RTSP.



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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 09 Mar 2012 18:00

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby benjamin86 » 09 Mar 2012 20:58

I am also interested to play out on a windows platform through a SDI decklink card using VLC. If anyone has a way to do it, let me know. Thanks in advance ...

OS: Windows 7 Pro 64 bits
Hardware: Decklink SDI Studio

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 12 Mar 2012 13:47

Noone has done it on windows.
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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby benjamin86 » 23 Apr 2012 23:18

OK thanks, we'll try another way!

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby accessiblemedia » 06 Jul 2012 00:56


We're looking to do the similar thing: playing out streams through Decklink's SDI-Out in Ubuntu Linux.

The link that was posted for the plug-in seemed to be down. Could you re-post it somewhere or show where we can find a copy? Thank you!

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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 Jul 2012 12:17

You should come on IRC and discuss with funman.
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Re: How to playout both video and audio on Decklink SDI card

Postby Spo_oky » 10 Jul 2013 12:20


I'm using this plugin with 2.0.7 VLC version. In my case I'm using a BlackMagic Decklink Duo and I'm trying to play a video to the 2 outputs.
It's possible to "clone" video and play it on the 2 outputs?

I'm using something like this to play one output:

cvlc testvideo.avi --vout decklinkoutput --aout decklinkoutput --decklink-output-card-index=0 --decklink-vout-mode=pal

I've tried something like this without success:

cvlc --clone-count 2 --clone-vout-list decklinkoutput{output-card-index=0},decklinkoutput{output-card-index=1} testvideo.avi --decklink-vout-mode=pal

I'm needing some help... Appreciated....

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