libvlc capabilities

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libvlc capabilities

Postby raulhcordeiro » 03 Mar 2011 12:57

Hi all,

I'd like to know if libvlc can help me to solve a problem and i think here is the best place to discover.

1) My app capture frames continuously from v4l2 device, according to my fps; (OK)
2) My app pass that frames to libvlc encode to output video format - h264; (OK)
3) Libvlc creates a video of a fix time size on memory, this video is continuously updated (every second?), appending the last second(or other unit, GOPs maybe???) on video's tail and removing (deleting) the first second of video (the video's "head") from memory - the idea is like a sliding window of a video in memory; (how to do it???)
4) When my app receive a single event - a mouse click, for example - it asks libvlc to save a copy of some part (the first half i.e.) of the content of the video's window to a file; (how to do it???)

Below is a single sketch to show what i need.

Code: Select all

video's sliding window on memory |<----------1min---------->| |<----------1min---------->| |<----------1min---------->| |<----------1min---------->| |<----------1min---------->| |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (time) | event | |<---30s--->| video file
Any help is appreciated. If libvlc can't do it can anybody give any hint of a software (library) that could do that (ffmpeg?).
Thanks in advance,

Raul Cordeiro

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