Events only for audio stream or only for video stream

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 30 May 2006 09:58

Events only for audio stream or only for video stream

Postby Zingaro2002 » 21 May 2010 19:17

I'm using VideoLan.Interop, a .Net libvlc 0.9.x wrapper compiled on Visual Studio 2005 (VLC 1.0.5)
Now I'm working on an application with and VideoLan.Interop.dll
Everything works fine: I can open an rtsp stream ("rtsp://") which carries an audio stream and a video stream.

I'm able to manage some events (view source code below) of VLCPlayer.
Now I'd like to manage events only for audio stream or only for video stream.
E.G: if video stream stops --> fire event "video stopped", or if audio stream stops --> fire event "audio stopped"

Is it possible to fire such events?

This is my source code:

Code: Select all

Private Vlc As VideoLan.VideoLanClient Private VlcPlayer As VideoLan.VlcMediaPlayer Private VlcPlayerAudio As VideoLan.VlcMediaPlayer Public Sub New() InitializeComponent() Vlc = New VideoLanClient() VlcPlayer = Vlc.NewMediaPlayer(VideoPanel.Handle) ' in my form I have also an AudioPanel '//VlcPlayer.TimeChanged += new EventHandler<TimeChangedEventArgs>(VlcPlayer_TimeChanged); AddHandler VlcPlayer.PositionChanged, AddressOf VlcPlayer_PositionChanged AddHandler VlcPlayer.StateChanged, AddressOf VlcPlayer_StateChanged End Sub Private Sub Play() Dim desc As VlcMedia = Vlc.NewMedia("rtsp://") VlcPlayer.Load(desc) desc.Dispose() VlcPlayer.Play() End Sub Private Sub VlcPlayer_StateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As StateChangedEventArgs) If InvokeRequired Then Me.BeginInvoke(New EventHandler(Of StateChangedEventArgs)(AddressOf VlcPlayer_StateChanged), sender, e) Else Select Case e.NewState Case VlcState.Ended 'The file ended play the next one MsgBox("ENDED", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Case VlcState.Error 'Handle playing error MsgBox("ERROR", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Case VlcState.Buffering 'Notify system is buffering MsgBox("BUFFERING", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Case VlcState.Stopped MsgBox("STOPPED", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) Case VlcState.Playing '''MsgBox("PLAYING", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation) End Select End If End Sub
Thank you very much for any hint.

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