BraCa's post contains a link to the issue that describes the required change to make it work on Windows.Hi,
Where are the READMES? What did you change in vlcj to make it work?
Try to pass the udp url as this udp://@ scenario:
VLC 1.1.pre2
VLCJ 1.1b
run from eclipse TestPlayer with no problem
(I've setted the correct "jna.library.path")
with this I've also made a test with UDP,
I've passed a udp url.. udp:// to MediaPlayer.playMedia
udp is not implemented ? or I'm wrong something ?
in general for connect to stream I must use same method for local file .. mediaPlayer.playMedia ?
I've also try to use VLCJ 1.1c
TestPalyer run with no problem
tnx for your work sherington
I'll look into this. As I said previously, most of my testing these days is for local files or files over network shares, but I will try and find some time to make sure that streaming works. Older versions of my bindings worked just fine with rtsp and I had a full client-server streaming jukebox solution going on so there's no reason it won't work again once bugs are fixed!I've passed a udp url.. udp:// to MediaPlayer.playMedia
udp is not implemented ? or I'm wrong something ?
in general for connect to stream I must use same method for local file .. mediaPlayer.playMedia ?
I have no idea what to do about that. It's not like there's a different code path for Linux (apart from setting the video surface of course).1. --dummy-quiet & --no-high-priority crash vlc under linux
All I can tell you is I played an HD movie being served over http via Tomcat6 and it worked just fine. I don't doubt that you do have a problem, I'm just not sure how to go about looking into it.2. When running in my program using http file I get vlc crashing in
Please tell me the exact error message and Java stack trace if you have it.3. When running and running a video file I get vlc crash something about a libvlc_media_add_option_flag.
Sorry, I missed this message the first time I read through.Hi Sheriton,
On linux I found out that the 2 options I listed were for windows only.
Hi,Also, I had to add a call to setPosition to vlcj I used because I needed it for setting movie position for a slider. I am not sure in your latest release you have that.
RTP also works for me just fine.someone has made some test with stream .. udp or other .. ?
I'm not able to open a stream ..
The libvlc method that plays a video requires a string Media Resource Locator.These vmw3 files are stored in the database as well. I've been looking for platform independent ways to play these videos in my Java client.
Hi Eduardo, I did some more research and instead of fetching the video from the database into my Java client app using JDBC and then somehow passing it to vlcj, I followed your suggestion and found a way to expose the video stored in the database through HTTP. It's some tricky database code, but it works. The really cool thing for me was that I tried the vlcj-1.1f download, because I had messed up my vlcj-1.1d env and noticed that a new "Connect to Media" button has been added. This allowed me to try out the HTTP based solution in the test player without having to write any code myself. It worked beautifully!So if you can't provide data to satisfy one of those MRLs, like maybe expose your database query via HTTP, I'm not sure you can do what you want.
Code: Select all
String ConvertToUtf8(String s) {
Charset oldCharset = Charset.forName(Charset.defaultCharset().name());
Charset newCharset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); // needed for JNA (at least on Windows)
ByteBuffer oldByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(s.getBytes());
CharBuffer oldCharBuffer = oldCharset.decode(oldByteBuffer);
ByteBuffer newByteBuffer = newCharset.encode(oldCharBuffer);
return new String(newByteBuffer.array()).trim();
private void setMedia(String media, String... mediaOptions) {
media = ConvertToUtf8(media);
Code: Select all
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
if ( mediaPlayer != null ) {
if ( mediaPlayerFactory != null ) {
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