generate an SDP file by taking inputs....!

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 28
Joined: 08 Feb 2010 08:51

generate an SDP file by taking inputs....!

Postby chinnaedu » 18 Mar 2010 13:17

Hello all.

Right now i am working on a project,where i will be in need of sdp files which i used to generate manually using Vlc(from command prompt).
Every thing worked fine...but now my need is if i can write an application which takes inputs as(venc,{keyint,idrint},vcodec,vb,width,height,acodec,ab,channels,samplerate}:rtp{dst,port,sdp} etc..

Can anyone suggest me which API supports this(and the modules in it which can be used for this purpose) and where can i download it from....
And please do tell me if its possible cos VLC does it(so there might be code which does it)..

Any sort help is highly appreciated....

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