connection to player....and operate the player.....!

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 28
Joined: 08 Feb 2010 08:51

connection to player....and operate the player.....!

Postby chinnaedu » 16 Feb 2010 10:22

hello everyone ....

i am in need of assistance(guidance ) from gurus of this forum......
am doing a project where my code has to get interacted to the trancoder(vlc)...
i wann to know whether a c code can connect to transcoder...and my inputes to the vlc is the aspect ratio,,bitrate info,file onwhich this should be applied(etc) and transcoder does all those transcoding on in and then forward it to another server...i heard ki libvlc API will be capable of it ....but i am not developng a player only part is to get connection and control existing it possible to do so.....

anyhelp here is appreciated.....

Thank you in advance

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