Unable to get OSX version of VLC to play video n MY window

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Unable to get OSX version of VLC to play video n MY window

Postby RoohBear » 08 Aug 2009 18:56

Hello, I need some help getting VLC to play video on the Mac. I have built version 0.9.10 and it runs fine by itself, but not the way I need it to. I'm working on a program that uses VLC to play video in one of MY windows instead of a window that VLC creates. Our technique works fine on Windows, but on OSX, we just hear the audio... no video.

Our app starts by looking for an instance of VLC running. If not found, it launch an instance. When it launches, it loads a module we have built that replaces the regular user interface with something that simply listens for commands from our player (start, stop, pause, etc) and displays some debug output. When our player app (which uses wxWidgets) sends a command to VLC to play a file, one of the parameters is a window handle of the window that the video is to be played in. This sets the "drawable" variable which is supposed to display video on OUR window but we never see it.

I can supply some code examples, but for now, does anyone have any idea on what might be wrong? This technique works great on the Windows version... I'm using version 0.9.10


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