I'm using my own Video Analytics software - which is actually analyzing video frame by frame (it could be any format, but still as it is frame by frame - its actually set of images).
We are using C#. Lets assume its simple Bitmap object - but I could provide these frames as pointer, RGB, YUV - whatever.
I would like to add LAN Streaming feature - so we could access processed video over internet. Is it possible to provide input video as frame by frame?
I sucessfull ran C# LibVlc sample like:
Code: Select all
LibVlc vlc = new LibVlc();
vlc.VideoOutput = pictureBox1;
string[] Options = new string[] {
":sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst=std {access=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=:8080}}"
vlc.AddTarget(@"D:\VideoFiles\cam01\video.avi", Options);
Code: Select all
while (true)
vlc.NewFrame( <my_frame> );
I appreciate any response. Thanks!