Hello Hello,
I'm really a new with delphi, i'm lucky my dad can help me out her and there..
I got the ActiveX working (http://wiki.videolan.org/ActiveX/Delphi)
Now when compile, when i open the .exe there is no timebar or buttons.. (movie works fine)
after reading a will i noticed i have to make this my self...
Is there a toturial of some kind.
How can i make the slidebar/timebar.. ?
found this in the forum, about trackbar:
Components to use
Code: Select all
slider: TTrackBar;
timer1: TTimer;
On Timer event:
Code: Select all
slider.Max := vlc.Length;
slider.Position := vlc.Time;
Does anywhone have a example so i can look in it.
I have Delphi 6 and working with Vlc 0.8.6c + Acitvex