Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby marcio.correa » 22 Jan 2009 03:00

Hi people !

I am new in this forum and I am looking for some help on how to use the VLC in Delphi development!

Since i started to study this lib, i have seen that i have two options !

1 Use the ActiveX Object - I built a single Form with a VLCPlugin and a TButton as the sample code in this site ! The app. could not start, i dont know why, but the form is not shown, if i remove the VLCPlugin, the app runs normally !

2 Use the libvlc dll - Does anybody have a small code to guide me on this matter ? I have never worked with dlls (in delphi) before !!

So, thank you everybody !

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby Beardless2 » 22 Jan 2009 14:38


The ActiveX objects have not been maintained for some time and i have problems with them too.

If you wanted to use the libvlc.dll this could be a good starting place but you might need to update is a little to work with 0.9.8a

There are also a couple of Delphi forum posts about the wrapper so search with keyword "Delphi wrapper"

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby marcio.correa » 22 Jan 2009 15:42

Hi !

Thank you for the fast reply !!!

I didnt understand about the update ! I am using the VLC Player 0.9.8a Grishenko !

Is it right?

After the component install, i have tried to place a IceVLCPlayer in my project but the constructor is prompting "VLC Player not installed or wrong version! Please re-install"

What version do i have to use ?


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby marcio.correa » 22 Jan 2009 16:24

Hi Beardless !

I have managed the version ! just uninstalled the current and installed the 0.8.6i !

But i still having problems to run the app. the same problem i have gotten using the ActiveX ! The Application Form is not shown when it has an IceVLCPlayer placed !

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby Beardless2 » 23 Jan 2009 09:50

i did say it would need some work to make it 0.9.8a compatible........ :)

i think the problem you are experiencing is this


I too get this issue - but only occasionally. Do you click play in the Delphi IDE, the project builds, all the vlc dlls are being loaded on the watch window at the bottom and then it freezes?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby marcio.correa » 23 Jan 2009 14:44

I am using the code o got from the example in this site !

It just add the ActiveX control in a Form and a TButton, this button event adds a target to the VLCPlayer and play it !

When i run the app. (play in IDE), the project is compiled but the main Form is not shown !

I dont know if this is the same problem you got !

I would lik to get start in the Delphi Wrapper you mentioned before ! Can you help me ? I dont have a great skill in Delphi yet !

Thank you for your attention !

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby Beardless2 » 23 Jan 2009 15:36

are you using v1 or v2 of the plugin?

this page might help

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby marcio.correa » 24 Jan 2009 03:00


The problem i am expecting happens exactly when i follow the steps on the page you post the url !

About your question regarding the plugin version... i dont know !! I have only installed the Player (including the ActiveX) and in the IDE i have installed the VideoLAN ActiveX !!

I am using Delphi 7, is it ok ?

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby Beardless2 » 24 Jan 2009 09:50

try using v2 of the plugin

VLCPlugin2: TVLCPlugin2;

A few things have changed, so VLCPlugin1.AddTarget will be VLCPlugin2.Playlist.Add i believe

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Using the libvlc dll in Delphi 7

Postby marcio.correa » 26 Jan 2009 02:20

Hi BierdLess !

I have made your suggested changes , but it still not working !

One intresting thing i figured out !

The VCL Player installed in my computer, opens and play the file but it plays only the audio, i cant see the video !!!

And it already happens if i use the IceVLCPlayer, this way i get only the audio not the video !

I dont believe the problem is in the file, because it is a file distribute together Delphi software (speedis.avi) and my Windows Media PLayer can play it with no problem !

I have the DIrectX 9c installed over Windows XP

Do you hav more ideas?

Thanks again !!

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