however I'm just getting back into developing my vlc player and only just getting chance to try your mighty wrapper. I have stumbled into a problem already, I don't have the "plugins\libd3dimage_plugin.dll" despite having the latest VLC 0.9.6...
As a result the VideoLanClient class falls over as it cannot find:
I have downloaded your tarball from MeediOS: ... z?view=tar
I notice this project failed to load during when opening the solution:
Code: Select all
The following error has occurred during XML parsing:
File: C:\Projects\Auxiliary\VideoLan 0.9.0\D3DImage_Bridge\D3DImage_Bridge.vcproj
Line: 10
Column: 2
Error Message:
'9.00' violates enumeration constraint of '7.00 7,00 7.10 7,10 8.00 8,00'.
The attribute 'Version' with value '9.00' failed to parse.
The file 'C:\Projects\Auxiliary\VideoLan 0.9.0\D3DImage_Bridge\D3DImage_Bridge.vcproj' has failed to load.