I am trying to rebroadcast the stream of 4 ip cameras using vlc/vlm (which is installed on Debian operating system).
I tried this code for the vlm configuration file:
# 1st camera --- Unicast stream
new channel11 broadcast enabled
setup channel11 input rtsp://
setup channel11 output #transcode{vcodec=WMV2,fps=30,height=200}:std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=the.server.ip.address:8011}
control channel11 play
# 1st camera --- Multicast stream
new channel12 broadcast enabled
setup channel12 input rtsp://
setup channel12 output #std{access=rtp,mux=ts,dst=}
control channel12 play
# 2nd camera --- Unicast stream
new channel21 broadcast enabled
setup channel21 input rtsp://
setup channel21 output #transcode{vcodec=WMV2,fps=30,height=200}:std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=the.server.ip.address:8012}
control channel21 play
# 2nd camera --- Mutlicast stream
new channel22 broadcast enabled
setup channel22 input rtsp://
setup channel22 output #std{access=rtp,mux=ts,dst=}
control channel22 play
# 3rd camera --- Unicast stream
new channel31 broadcast enabled
setup channel31 input rtsp://
setup channel31 output #transcode{vcodec=WMV2,fps=30,height=200}:std{access=http,mux=ts,dst= the.server.ip.address:8013}
control channel31 play
# 3rd camera --- Multicast stream
new channel32 broadcast enabled
setup channel32 input rtsp://
setup channel32 output #std{access=rtp,mux=ts,dst=}
control channel32 play
# 4th camera --- Unicast stream
new channel41 broadcast enabled
setup channel41 input rtsp://
setup channel41 output #transcode{vcodec=WMV2,fps=30,height=200}:std{access=http,mux=ts,dst= the.server.ip.address:8014}
control channel41 play
# 4th camera --- Multicast stream
new channel42 broadcast enabled
setup channel42 input rtsp://
setup channel42 output #std{access=rtp,mux=ts,dst=}
control channel42 play
it is working but strangely every time I try to run it some cameras work and the others didn't, also if my luck was good and all of them work good after some time on or more camera fail
Please tell me what is wrong
Best regards,