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VLMa only works once

Posted: 21 Nov 2008 13:48
by socool
Hi everyone,

first of all... really nice Webinterface. I actually was working on a WebUI for my IP/TV Server but I then got a message from a friend that there's something similar out there. Well, at least I learned something about VLMs, VLC DVB Streaming and so on :D .

However, if I stop the VLMa Server and the WebUI and try to start the VLMa Server again I get a message like the following:
[INFO] Starting VLMad.
[INFO] Using VLMA_HOME: /home/admin/vlma
[INFO] Using VLMA_CONF: /home/admin/vlma/conf
[INFO] Using VLMA_DATA: /home/admin/vlma/data
[INFO] Using VLMA_LIBS: /home/admin/vlma/lib
[INFO] Using VLMA_LOGS: /home/admin/vlma/logs
[INFO] Using VLMA_WEBAPPS: /home/admin/vlma/webapps
13:32:23,825 - INFO - Refreshing display name []; startup date [Fri Nov 21 13:32:23 CET 2008]; root of context hierarchy
13:32:23,872 - INFO - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [daemon.xml]
13:32:23,984 - INFO - Bean factory for application context []:
13:32:24,010 - INFO - Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [configuration,daemon,dataExporter,dataSource,vlmaDao,vlmaService,commandLogger,dataRetriever,ipBank,ircNotifier,mailNotifier,msnNotifier,mailSender,orderGiver,orderMonitor,orderSender,programFactory,serverMonitor,serverStateMonitor,streamWatcher,httpSteamWatcher,directMulticastStreamWatcher,mockStreamWatcher]; root of factory hierarchy
13:32:24,239 - INFO - Looking for RMI registry at port '9050'
13:32:24,264 - INFO - Could not detect RMI registry - creating new one
13:32:24,270 - INFO - Binding service 'VLMaDataService' to RMI registry: RegistryImpl[UnicastServerRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](local),objID:[0:0:0, 0]]]]
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.HashMap.addEntry(
at java.util.HashMap.put(
at org.videolan.vlma.IpBank.initIps(
at org.videolan.vlma.daemon.Daemon.start(
at org.videolan.vlma.daemon.VLMad.dispatch(
at org.videolan.vlma.daemon.VLMad.main(

I basically always have to unpack all the files again and change the settings all over again to get it running.

VLMa and VLC are running on the same computer with OpenSuse 11.0. I hope someone's able to help. Thx :)


Re: VLMa only works once

Posted: 24 Nov 2008 16:37
by jpountz

Try to add the following line to your conf/ file:
vlma.streaming.udp.ipbank.max =

This will reduce the size of the IP pool VLMa can use.

We will try to address this issue in the next release.

Re: VLMa only works once

Posted: 25 Nov 2008 19:22
by socool
Hi jpountz,

well it wasn't because of the multicast ip pool but a fail installation of Java.
Now it work's just fine!

Thx anyway :)


Re: VLMa only works once

Posted: 26 Nov 2008 20:40
by jpountz
I'm happy it works fine now.