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VLC Streming in MMS crash after 30 seconds

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 21:12
by bayeux

i'm trying to set up a streaming server using VLC.

My configuration is as follows :
- Input Card : BlackMagic Intensity Pro
- OS : Windows 7 64 bits
- CPU : Core i3
- RAM : 4 Go
- VLC : 1.1.10 with default parameters used through GUI (i'am newbee and try my setup using GUI before switching to command line mode)

I would like to configure VLC in order to stream live input coming from the card.

I try the following setup :
- Open Capture device
- Stream type : MMSH , server address : ip address from my PC, port number 8080 (default value)
- Display stream locally is checked
- No transcoding options (for the moment)
- Launch the streaming

Looking for RAM increase show that memory goes up to 2, 7 Go
No impact on CPU

Images coming from camera through the BlackMagic Card appears on screen. Then after about 30 seconds, VLC gui crashes !!

TIA for any help you may provide.


Re: VLC Streming in MMS crash after 30 seconds

Posted: 20 Jun 2011 00:26
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You need to transcode, because the BM will output too much.