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Streaming to TVU Network

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 20:29
by alijam150

i have Sky star 2 DVB-S card. i want to stream my dvb to the internet with the output of http or mms but i cant get it to work over the internet but on local is working fine. i have two computers. one have linux system which works fine but not lan. other one is windows xp which provides lan but no over the internet. i use all the different programs dvbdream, dvbviewer ... on linux i cannot get it to work on vlc. i need to stream it online so i can stream on to the TVU network for 24/7 streaming.

i am newbie for his. that is why i need your help.

is there a way to get that done

thank you very much,


Re: Streaming to TVU Network

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 00:20
by alijam150
i real need help

Re: Streaming to TVU Network

Posted: 30 Sep 2010 12:47
by mrweb
stream to a streaming server like Red5,wowza or drawing server and display the stream in your page, or use progDVB media server it gives you mms stream directly