Kfir error

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Kfir error

Postby bschuele » 16 Jan 2004 11:16


i try to setup a vls with a kfir board to stream over network. If a setup the kfir board to put out Programm Stream it works ok. But if a change to Transport Stream i become always this error on startup:

VideoLAN Server v 0.5.5 (Jan 16 2004) - (c)1999-2003 VideoLAN
2004-01-16 10:43:20 [ERROR/kfir] Unable to start program video
2004-01-16 10:43:20 [ERROR/kfir] Error: unable to start streaming of program video
Error: Unable to create thread
Error: Could not open file '': No such file or directory

Thanks for any help

Benjamin Schüle

i loaded the kfir driver with:
insmod kfir vidinput=0 vidsize=0x26 vidinmode=0 vidoutmode=1 sndfreq=7 streamtype=4 vidrate=4000000

my vls.cfg is:
# vls.cfg (VLS configuration file)
# Example of the VideoLAN HOWTO for the Visiontech Kfir encoding card
# vls configuration file (Example)

# Application wide settings
LogFile = "vls.log" # log file
ScreenLog = "enable" # log to the console
SystemLog = "disable" # log to the systemlog

# Security informations :
# The section "Groups" describes which group is allowed to use which command.
# Each user who belongs to the 'master" group has all the power on the server.
# Each one who belongs to the "monitor" group is a "read-only" user.
BEGIN "Groups"
# --- Format:
# groupname = "cmd1|cmd2|..."
# --- Example:
monitor = "help|browse|logout"
master = "help|browse|start|resume|suspend|stop|shutdown|logout|config|program|input|channel|show"

# The section "Users" describes each user
# Use "mkpasswd" to generate the encrypted password.
BEGIN "Users"
# --- Format:
# username = "encryptedpassword:group"
# --- Example:
monitor = "3BcKWoiQn0vi6:monitor" # password is 'monitor'
bozo = "JKg2TpPerilnw:master" # password is 'bozo'

# Telnet Administration
BEGIN "Telnet"
# Domain = "Inet6" # Inet4 or Inet6
LocalPort = "9999" # Port to use for that purpose
Use = "true"

BEGIN "Inputs"

kfir = "video"


BEGIN "kfir"

# Visiontech Kfir device
Device = "/dev/video"

# Stream type (default is "Mpeg2-PS")
Type = "Mpeg2-TS"


BEGIN "Channels"

channel1 = "network"


BEGIN "channel1"

# Unicast or multicast IP address
DstHost = ""

# Destination port
DstPort = "1234"

# If it's a multicast IP address, uncomment the line below
#Type = "multicast"

# If it's a multicast IP address, set the "Time To Live" below
#TTL = "12"


BEGIN "LaunchOnStartUp"

command1 = "start video channel1 kfir"


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