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How to set up VLS?

Posted: 17 Oct 2009 11:15
by alexandros27
Hello guys,

i am new on VLC.
i wanted to ask if it's necessary to have VLS for streaming with VLC and if yes how i can set it up.
I am running to pc one with XP and one with Ubuntu. ( not experience enough with linux)

Can you help me ?

thank you

Re: How to set up VLS?

Posted: 18 Oct 2009 23:54
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
DOn't use VLS, use VLC.

Re: How to set up VLS?

Posted: 26 Mar 2010 11:29
by vrchards
DOn't use VLS, use VLC.
If VLS and VLC is different then why are you telling that Dont use VLS, use VLC.Alexendor was asking about the Setup of VLS.
Download the sources of the latest release : get the file vls-version.tar.gz from the VLS sources download page. Uncompress-it and generate ./configure :

% tar xvzf vls-version.tar.gz
% cd vls-version

To get the list of configuration options, do

% ./configure --help

Then configure vls :


if you want a basic VLS without DVD support, do :

% ./configure --disable-dvd


if you want a VLS with DVD support, do :

% ./configure


if you want a VLS with DVB support, do :

% ./configure --enable-dvb --with-dvb=PATH_TO_DVB_DRIVERS --with-libdvb=PATH_TO_LIBDVB

Then, compile and install :

% make
# make install

Now your VLS has been installed.

Re: How to set up VLS?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 15:05
by alexandros27
this is for linux right ? can it work on windows?

Re: How to set up VLS?

Posted: 22 Jan 2011 10:44
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Re: How to set up VLS?

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 05:36
by bsun
Why you keep say "DO NOT"? Can anyone explain how to install and use VLS in Windows environment? I downloaded VLC 1.1.8 and VLC Web Plugin, then I built a web page that is embedded VLC Web Plugin. I placed a http link in Javascript Web Plugin API method :vlc.playlist.add, pointing to source file in a remote file server. This is to use http, rather than use rtsp protocol as suggested in The result is that video playback on my web page is only OK on MP4 format, but really choppy on .AVI and MOV video files. So now, I am wondering if source server where all video files exist is installed with VLS server, should it be more efficient or fast streaming out when my web page with VLC Web Plugin is making a request to video file via rtsp?

In fact, I really want to know how VLS installs and works and if it is helpful to video playback in my web page embedded with VLC Web Plugin?


Re: How to set up VLS?

Posted: 22 Apr 2011 21:49
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Why you keep say "DO NOT"? Can anyone explain how to install and use VLS in Windows environment? I downloaded VLC 1.1.8 and VLC Web Plugin, then I built a web page that is embedded VLC Web Plugin. I placed a http link in Javascript Web Plugin API method :vlc.playlist.add, pointing to source file in a remote file server. This is to use http, rather than use rtsp protocol as suggested in The result is that video playback on my web page is only OK on MP4 format, but really choppy on .AVI and MOV video files. So now, I am wondering if source server where all video files exist is installed with VLS server, should it be more efficient or fast streaming out when my web page with VLC Web Plugin is making a request to video file via rtsp?

In fact, I really want to know how VLS installs and works and if it is helpful to video playback in my web page embedded with VLC Web Plugin?

Because VLS is deprecated since 6 years...