DOn't use VLS, use VLC.
If VLS and VLC is different then why are you telling that Dont use VLS, use VLC.Alexendor was asking about the Setup of VLS.
Download the sources of the latest release : get the file vls-version.tar.gz from the VLS sources download page. Uncompress-it and generate ./configure :
% tar xvzf vls-version.tar.gz
% cd vls-version
To get the list of configuration options, do
% ./configure --help
Then configure vls :
if you want a basic VLS without DVD support, do :
% ./configure --disable-dvd
if you want a VLS with DVD support, do :
% ./configure
if you want a VLS with DVB support, do :
% ./configure --enable-dvb --with-dvb=PATH_TO_DVB_DRIVERS --with-libdvb=PATH_TO_LIBDVB
Then, compile and install :
% make
# make install
Now your VLS has been installed.