Can VLS be part of a large IPTV solution

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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New Cone
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Can VLS be part of a large IPTV solution

Postby ben » 07 Jan 2004 11:15


I am interested in creating, acquiring video streaming and VoD server to distribute TV channels and VoD to our CATV customers. VLS seems to be of great interrest, but I have a question about compatibily:

Can one connect (use) a STB from Kreatel (or from others) to a VLS servers?
The server I plan to build will have mpeg-4 encoder card and possibly run VLS.

Then comes the licence problem:
Are there any limitations of use beside the GPL, if we use this system to braodcast to commercial clients.

So more generally, is anybody using VLS, VLC in a production server?

Thank for any reply.


Blank Cone
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Postby Murray » 07 Jan 2004 11:34

You can contact Anevia at They are working on such kind of servers.

As a matter of fact, VLS and VLC are actually used as production streaming servers on the ECP campus, where part of the developers live and study. Well, live and code, actually, studying is rather an option :wink:


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