Question on VLC server

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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Question on VLC server

Postby brooklin » 23 Feb 2009 22:23

Hi All,

I am working on wireless communications project. There is a transmitter and a receiver in my system. At the transmitter side, I transmit a video streaming which is streamed by VLC from a hardware board. At the receiver side, 2nd hardware board receives the data and feed it to the computer via USB. If I save the received data as a file, say rxdata, I can use VLC play it directly. Or, I open a VLC server, like vlc udp://@:2009. Then, open a VLC client, like vlc rxdata --sout '#duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=:2009}}'. There is no problem to play it.

However, what I need here is not a file, which means I need to write the received data to a socket client over UDP rather than a file. The client code is attached below.

Code: Select all

# the client, which is part of my receiver code written in Python def main(): ...... def rx_callback(ok, payload): ...... print "ok = %5s pktno = %4d n_rcvd = %4d n_right = %4d" % (ok, pktno, n_rcvd, n_right) rxdata.append(payload[2:]) #rxdata is my received data, then I feed these data to a socket client clientHost = 'localhost' # servername is localhost' clientPort = 2009 # use arbitrary port > 1024 dgramSock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM ) # create a UDP socket dgramSock.connect((clientHost,clientPort)) # connect to server on the port for ndx_data in rxdata: dgramSock.sendto( ndx_data, (clientHost, clientPort) ) # send the data data = dgramSock.recv(4096) # receive up to 4096 bytes #print data dgramSock.close() .......
My questions are:
1, I don't think the client and the server(VLC) are connected via UDP. How should I set up the connection?
2, Is it correct that I write the received data to a client UDP socket?

I am looking forward to any reply.


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