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Video On Demand VLC Server

Posted: 20 Feb 2009 20:40
by domentarion

I have a vlc server that i can access with telnet . Now i can add some
movies. But if the server is going down al settings from the server
that i addes in the telnet session are gone is there a way to save
this ?

Re: Video On Demand VLC Server

Posted: 23 Feb 2009 13:30
by thannoy

You can enter your config into a config-file instead of typing it on the telnet interface each time.
Have a look at around the line "vlc -I telnet --vlm-conf vlm.conf"

Re: Video On Demand VLC Server

Posted: 23 Feb 2009 14:38
by domentarion
The problem is with that is when i wanne add some new movies i must interupt the vlc service. So the movies that are playing will be stoped thats why i use the telnet interface