Hi all,
I'm using the latest svn version (rev. 660) of vls (retrieved from svn tree on Oct 2, 2004). Version of libdvb is 0.2.2. It's the one I downloaded from the videolan site.
I compiled libdvbpsi, libdvb with no problem. I put the flag --disable-dvd --enable-dvb when I configured vls. vls is compiled with no problem as well.
There's a little problem when I 'make install'. libtool keeps on complaining dvbinput.lai is missing. I got around this problem by creating a soft link of dvbinput.lai to the file dvbinput.la. I did the same thing for the other 2 library files(dvbreader, pvrreader) as well. The libraries are in /usr/lib/vls/
when I run the command vls -vv, from the system log, the directory /usr/lib/vls was scanned by vls, but the module "input:dvb" is not loaded. So when I define dvb type in the input section of vls.cfg, there's an error saying "Input type dvb invalid".
can someone shed some light as in how I can make vls to load the dvb module?