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VLC Server and XBox's Xebian Distro. Is it possible?

Posted: 10 Feb 2008 15:50
by realjobe
Dear Board.

I have this marvellous idea on setting a transcoding server to my LAN and VLC is the only solution. So I have DreamBox 7025+ with image where is VLC player installed. I understand that with this player I tell where my VLC server is, so that the player can retreive Movie lists and receive the transcoded movie also (transcode form DivX to Mpeg2).

There is one catch. I going to run it on Xbox1 Xebian ( platform with BASIC configuration = "
The basic variant is a stripped-down installation with only the rudimentary basics. There is no graphical desktop or fancy applications; only a shell (the command line environment) and the basic tools. The user is supposed to install all the needed applications himself from the Debian package repositories. This variant is primarily intended for advanced users; especially for those who would like to use the Xbox as a headless server. "

This I have done and I have Native debian based system running. I installed "apt-get install vlc libdvdcss2". Well, the system yeld a bit something about something not Xorg or similar...

But what now? how em I going to start the server, are the WebUI? stupid questions I know but If I get this to work, I'll make compleate howTo to this forum. Xbox1 costs about 30 euros and It is powerful, low electric compsumption system.

Re: VLC Server and XBox's Xebian Distro. Is it possible?

Posted: 10 Feb 2008 20:17
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
install vlc-nox package, which is vlc, witout X

Re: VLC Server and XBox's Xebian Distro. Is it possible?

Posted: 10 Feb 2008 20:47
by realjobe
Thank you! I'll do that.
apt-get install vlc-nox libdvdcss2??

Re: VLC Server and XBox's Xebian Distro. Is it possible?

Posted: 15 Feb 2008 11:10
by realjobe
Thank you for helping me.

I managed to install vlc-nox version to my Xebian (xbox debian) and vlc seems to work properly now.
The target is to transcode DivX videofiles to DreamBox Gemini2 v3.2 system because there is VLC player installed. I read the DreamBox connects to VLC server via Web interface and retrieves the filelist from where User can select the movie.

Question: with non UI VLC, how do I set the "setting -> add interface -> web interface"?

Re: VLC Server and XBox's Xebian Distro. Is it possible?

Posted: 15 Feb 2008 19:27
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
vlc -I http

Re: VLC Server and XBox's Xebian Distro. Is it possible?

Posted: 25 Feb 2008 11:02
by realjobe
Thank you ver much.

On VLX-NOX version how may I tell the default location for the files to be transkoded?

WebInterface for windows version is "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --extraintf http --intf wx" ?

Re: VLC Server and XBox's Xebian Distro. Is it possible?

Posted: 23 May 2008 08:47
by realjobe
All went just fine: I had Debian distro installed on my XBox1 console as native and performance were great. Then I installed VLC-Nox version and put some DivX (640x X) movies in the folders. I did not want to stream via SMB of other protocol the movies. Then I started the HTTP interface VLC and set the spces to DreamBox 7025 VLC player.

I got the Filelisting to the screen and Click the DivX got transcoded to MPG2 ontherun!!
Well, XBox1 did not have the muscle to do this, but certainly to lower ends this works!