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How to Enable a stable streaming?

Posted: 15 Mar 2007 18:12
by pubray
Dear All,

Thank you for your attention.

I was able to streaming my tv tuner card using this software, but i encountered a problem which is the speed of receiving the mms://.

Even though my upload speed is 60kbps but upon receiving via mms:// seems that is just 10-15kbps hence video keep pausing and buffering, i presume even if i were to go for a highest speed still problem exist.

Is there any better idea for receiving streaming video in a stable way (beside lowering down the quality) ?

Posted: 16 Mar 2007 08:24
by gfts
Can you please say, how did you configure your vls to stream mms through tuner card.

I tried it, but i couldnot get it done, can you paste your vls.cfg file here ?
