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videolan as realtime streaming server for DVB-S ?

Posted: 10 May 2004 12:47
by uwe.uwe
Hi all,

I am looking for a possibility which could be used as a server for realtime-DVB-S streaming so that the following ideas are possible...

I want to add to every TV placed in the house (actually only one) a PC with which I am able to receive livestreamed DVB-S and control which program is shown on TV.

In other words: instead of adding a digital DVB-S receiver to every TV in the house (and the need to put an antenna cable to every one) I want to use one server which includes a few DVB-S cards to stream the TV-data from this server to a few clients, which are PCs instead of receivers. Naturally, I want to decide with a IR-remote control for each client, which channel it should show on the TV-screen.

Crazy idea, isn'it ?

Fact is, that I have already LAN-cable available in every room inside the house, and, second one, I want to realize a central recording machine which will be able to record TV-programs from one client and play it on another one.

Has someone realizeid something like this ??

Thanks for every answer or hint,


Posted: 17 Jun 2004 08:34
by klosteine
hallo uwe.uwe

ersteinmal einen gruß ausm vdrportal. ich habe sowas schonmal gesehen. das ding war in einem airbus eingebaut und wenn ich mich nicht verguckt habe war es das dem vls-project ähnlich . es gab dort ein kleines progrämmchen, wo man die destination angeben konnte und was dort abgespielt werden sollte (zb. bedienung über ein pda oder über ein webpad) und dann wurden die videoinformationen zu nem client gestreamt welcher einen tft fütterte. leider ist das schon wieder ein halbes jahr her und zu dem zeitpunkt hab ich mich mit vls noch nicht beschäftigt.


Posted: 17 Jun 2004 11:17
by pscaffardi
We are working on the same goal: streaming more DVB channels from a PC to a network of STB/PC clients using VideoLAN. Our problem is streaming scrambled channels, that is not currently supported by VideoLan.

Working exaples to open scrambled channels can be taken looking at libdvb-0.5.4 (cam_set and cam_test utilities) or vdr. The CI/CAM handling should be copied and integrated into VideoLan server.

Anyone working on that?