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cannot get CVS version; any alternatives?

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 11:57
by lelkens
I have tried several times to get the CVS of VLS (in order to do streaming from a WEBCAM using v4l ) but the connection always fails:

# cvs -d login
(Logging in to
CVS password:

After several minutes I get the reply:

cvs [login aborted]: connect to failed: Connection timed out

However, the host can be reached:

# ping is alive

What am I doing wrong? Is there another way?

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 13:25
by markfm
You might want to try Subversion -- the developers are switching their code management to this. is the link to the subversion site, where you can download the package. On Windows, I downloaded the latest Windows binaries, let it install using its defaults.

Then see the videolan page at:

I'm on a Windows PC. For me to download a current, complete, VLS, code set, the command is:
"c:\program files\subversion\bin\svn" co svn:// vls-trunk

On Windows this is run from a DOS shell, rather than a bash shell, so that it finds the svn path properly. (Make a little batch file, one line, shovel the above into it.)

That does an anonymous link to svn, downloads the vls main code trunk, into a directory on my PC called vls-trunk (if the directory already exists, it overwrites the contents of it, otherwise it will create the directory).

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 15:41
by Guest
I appreciate your comprehensive answer. :D
Downloaded Subversion, installed and tried:

P:\>svn co svn:// vls-trunk
svn: Can't connect to host '': A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
I don't think this is getting me somewhere......
Maybe someone is willing to email the CVS version of VLS (in tar or zip format) to me at

Posted: 06 Apr 2004 16:56
by markfm
The SVN server ( is down right now -- it was online at 7:30 EST this morning (I had downloaded VLS at home, before posting the info on how to download)

Suggest just trying later.

SVN server is back up

Posted: 07 Apr 2004 02:37
by markfm
The server is working again. You'll need to download it yourself -- the zipped file is larger than hotmail will accept.

configuration vls for v4l

Posted: 30 Apr 2004 14:39
by gisa
You are configuring or configured vls for v4l. Then, if you could send me its, therefore I am with problemas(seguinte error: "Input Type v4l invalid") perhaps e this helps me to solve.Thank you!