vls won't stream on reboot?

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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vls won't stream on reboot?

Postby wizdude » 30 Mar 2004 17:02

hi all,

i've successfully got VLS running and streaming some digital TV channels from my nova-t dvb-t (budget) card across my LAN (using VLC and the mini-SAP advertiser ... works great!)

i'm trying to get everything working so if i reboot the server it will come up clean and fully running. everything appears to be fine except for VLS - it won't start streaming my dvb-t content, but will stream local (file) content with no issues.

i believe the problem is because it can't find ~/.dvbrc which makes sense - on bootup the 'user' doesn't have a home directory.

has anyone seen this before? or alternatively, how can i specify another location for the .dvbrc file?

cheers, wizdude.

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