Can't stream with the Cvs version

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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Can't stream with the Cvs version

Postby epetxepe » 25 Mar 2004 09:31

Hi all, i'm tring the cvs version to get vls working with a v4l camera. But before starting streaming v4l i've tryied stream a mpeg but couldn't.
I have been streaming files with the last stable version and worked ok.
In the CVS version, looks like that the file is opened and the mpeg is recognized but, can't watch it, and entering with telnet and typing "show broadcast" returns no broadcast. I have tried to add a broadcast and to start broadcast, it says that broadcast started but doesn't work.

How can? or do I? have to add some broadcast part to the vls.cfg file??

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