Serving mpeg2 stream to a dreambox

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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Serving mpeg2 stream to a dreambox

Postby klona » 09 Mar 2004 13:03

I am not a coder, but love to use wonderful proggy from others, so, I wonder if someone know about a solution to serve stream from VLC to a dreambox ?

As the PPC of the dreambox is quite short for a full Divx decryption, it could be a nice feature to be able to play divx or whatever on the TV, without 15 meters of coax cable for video & audio from the PC to the TV, and all the windows & Nvidia/ATI & SoundBlaster configurations that never want to do what you really want.

Thanks for the help,


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