V4L from cvs, compile ok, but not launching

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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
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V4L from cvs, compile ok, but not launching

Postby kpoman » 20 Apr 2004 01:57

I could manage ton compile everything in order to have v4l support into vls ... but when I launch the stuff I get nothing about it; here is the log I have:

Code: Select all

shuttle src # ./vls -vv VideoLAN Server 0.5.5-cvs (Apr 17 2004) - (c) 1999-2003 VideoLAN 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "channel:file" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "channel:network" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegreader:file" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegconverter:ts2ts" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegconverter:ps2ts" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "input:local" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "input:video" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "interface:dummy" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "interface:telnet" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "interface:native" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "interface:unix" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "trickplay:normal" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "input:tcp" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegreader:tcp" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "input:v4l" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegreader:v4l" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegconverter:raw2ts" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./src/modules" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [WARN/Vls] Unable to browse directory "./src/modules" : Error: Could not open directory './src/modules': No such file or directory 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/asiinput" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/asiinput/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/asiinput/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/asireader" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/asireader/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/asireader/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dummyinterface" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dummyinterface/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dummyinterface/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dummyinterface/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dvbinput" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dvbinput/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dvbinput/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dvbreader" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dvbreader/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dvbreader/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dvdreader" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dvdreader/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/dvdreader/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/filechannel" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/filechannel/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/filechannel/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/filechannel/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/filereader" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/filereader/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/filereader/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/filereader/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/localinput" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/localinput/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/localinput/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/localinput/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/nativeinterface" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/nativeinterface/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/nativeinterface/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/nativeinterface/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/netchannel" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/netchannel/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/netchannel/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/netchannel/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/normaltrickplay" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/normaltrickplay/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/normaltrickplay/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/normaltrickplay/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/ps2ts" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/ps2ts/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/ps2ts/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/ps2ts/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/pvrreader" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/pvrreader/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/pvrreader/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/pvrreader/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Module "mpegreader:pvr" registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/raw2ts" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/raw2ts/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/raw2ts/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/raw2ts/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/tcpinput" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/tcpinput/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/tcpinput/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/tcpinput/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/tcpreader" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/tcpreader/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/tcpreader/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/tcpreader/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/telnetinterface" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/telnetinterface/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/telnetinterface/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/telnetinterface/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/ts2ts" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/ts2ts/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/ts2ts/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/ts2ts/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/unixinterface" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/unixinterface/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/unixinterface/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/unixinterface/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/v4linput" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/v4linput/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/v4linput/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/v4linput/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/v4lreader" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/v4lreader/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/v4lreader/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/v4lreader/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/videoinput" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/videoinput/CVS" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/videoinput/.deps" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "./modules/videoinput/.libs" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Browsing modules in directory "/usr/local/lib/vls" 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [ERROR/Vls] Module "mpegreader:pvr" already registered 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Starting interface 'dummy' 2004-04-20 02:20:14 [INFO/Vls] Interface 'dummy' sucessfully initialised
so as u can see there is a lot about v4l in there ... just in case it lacks of something:

Code: Select all

shuttle src # find | grep v4l ./modules/v4linput ./modules/v4linput/CVS ./modules/v4linput/CVS/Root ./modules/v4linput/CVS/Repository ./modules/v4linput/CVS/Entries ./modules/v4linput/CVS/Template ./modules/v4linput/Makefile.in ./modules/v4linput/Makefile.am ./modules/v4linput/v4linput.cpp ./modules/v4linput/v4linput.h ./modules/v4linput/Makefile ./modules/v4linput/.deps ./modules/v4linput/.deps/v4linput_la-v4linput.Plo ./modules/v4linput/.libs ./modules/v4linput/.libs/v4linput.a ./modules/v4linput/.libs/v4linput.lai ./modules/v4linput/.libs/v4linput.la ./modules/v4linput/v4linput_la-v4linput.o ./modules/v4linput/v4linput_la-v4linput.lo ./modules/v4linput/v4linput.la ./modules/v4lreader ./modules/v4lreader/CVS ./modules/v4lreader/CVS/Root ./modules/v4lreader/CVS/Repository ./modules/v4lreader/CVS/Entries ./modules/v4lreader/CVS/Template ./modules/v4lreader/Makefile.in ./modules/v4lreader/Makefile.am ./modules/v4lreader/v4lreader.cpp ./modules/v4lreader/v4lreader.h ./modules/v4lreader/Makefile ./modules/v4lreader/.deps ./modules/v4lreader/.deps/v4lreader_la-v4lreader.Plo ./modules/v4lreader/.libs ./modules/v4lreader/.libs/v4lreader.a ./modules/v4lreader/.libs/v4lreader.lai ./modules/v4lreader/.libs/v4lreader.la ./modules/v4lreader/v4lreader.la ./modules/v4lreader/v4lreader_la-v4lreader.o ./modules/v4lreader/v4lreader_la-v4lreader.lo shuttle src #
and the vls.cfg I had set is the same as the one given in the howtos .. I also tried changing video devices to othere locations ... I don tthink it is related to vls.cfg ! But I would really appreciate some kind of help, as this was happening also to a friend and we can't seem to find the solution !

Thanks a lot for your time and efforts in helping me. I am aware of anything you could need to ask me ...

btw if u wanna check what "looks" like in my cfg file just take a look at:

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 17 Apr 2004 22:44

Postby kpoman » 25 Apr 2004 17:37

is there something to do or to test to see where the problem is ? because i am almost sure compilation was ok and i didnt get any error and i have v4l compiled !

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 17 Apr 2004 22:44

Postby kpoman » 13 Jun 2004 18:10

help !

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 22
Joined: 26 May 2004 04:10

Postby urbansond » 13 Jun 2004 22:32

KP -

1)What version ffmpeg?
2)What version vls?

3)Configuration options used for ffmpeg?

4)Configuration options used for vls?

5)Have you tried ffmpeg to verify v4l is working to make a testfile.mpg?

6)What opysys (linux flavor) and v4l hardware are in use?

7)what class computer?



Re: V4L from cvs, compile ok, but not launching

Postby catfish » 15 Jun 2004 09:37

Hi kpoman,

Can you share with us how you compiled your cvs version of vls which can support v4l ?

- the versin you use
- from where you dowloaded it
- the compilation procedure
- the .configure / make pass in parameter

I have tried compile version 0.5.6 but no luck, I got the pvrreader error.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 22
Joined: 26 May 2004 04:10

Can you share with us how you compiled your cvs version

Postby urbansond » 15 Jun 2004 14:21

  • I can offer from a few hours of fighting with it, that the most recent pull I could get from subversion, which is supposedly the same as CVS, blows out first when it tries to locate avcodec.

    You have to do a mod to "v4lreader.cpp" which is to add "ffmpeg" in line 60 as #include <ffmpeg/avcodec.h> //for palette

    That gets it quite a ways down the road, until it tries to link in ffmpeg's libacvodec.a.

    It breaks when it gets to lcl.o, inside libavcodec.a (compressed), which is ffmpeg's "Lossless Codec Library".

    The lcl, is a zlibs, and while I'm updated as far as one can for zlib, it made no difference.

    lcl.c, reveals that compressed lcl.o hits the "Decode a frame" routine and begins offereing up unreferenced zlib calls for inflate, inflate_reset, etc.

    As best I can tell, the compile needs to be issued $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -lz, in order to reference zlibs use of these commands, which is where I have left off, looking for the make point to provide it. I think ffmpeg gives some coding examples, which I'm staring at next.

    It would be great to see this part of the project completed at least, since I have found nothing on Videolan's pages that tell one just how broken the beast is. The problem, AFAIK is over a year old and I have been informed that VLS is not maintained any longer. :-(

    Welcome to the world of community developement !!

    As well as ffmpeg works, (sometimes), this app can't be that far from being able to stream v4l properly. Current ffmpeg is struggling with A/V sync, but some of the realeases at the end of May are working fine.


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